Umar Bin Qushem profile picture
Bin Qushem
Doctoral Researcher, Turku Research Institute for Learning Analytics
Education Technology, Multi-modal Learning Analytics, Personalized Leraning and STEM Research.

Areas of expertise

Exploratory Data Analysis
Predictive Learning Analytics; Learning Data Science
Higher Education Research (HER)
Digitalization in Society
AI in Education


I am a process-oriented data and research engineer with industrial experience in analytics and knowledge of mixed-method research methodologies. I am interested in interdisciplinary project and process development, designing need-based methodologies, and writing evidence-based policy briefs.


Education Technology, Learning Analytics, Pedagogy Design.


Mr. Umar is engaged in research and development pertaining to Future technologies in Precesion Education, Multimodal Data and Learning Analytics, Information Visualization. Besides, he has been actively involved with EU funded research projects and communities. He is also a member of COST Actoin CA20115 entitled 'European Network on International Student Mobility: Connecting Research and Practice (ENIS)' where he is enganged as the stakeholder advisor to the Working Group (WG 01). He is also an active member of the COST Action CA21107 - Work inequalities in later life redefined by digitalization (DIGI-net) and is currently the Principal Investigator (PI) of a small scale study on Technostress in Academia, which is supported by the Action.


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The Value Proposition of An Integrated Multimodal Learning Analytics Framework (2022)

International Convention on Information, Communication and Electronic Technology, International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics
Bin Qushem Umar, Christopoulos Athanasios, Laakso Mikko-Jussi
(Vertaisarvioitu artikkeli konferenssijulkaisussa (A4))