Docent, Institute of Biomedicine


Kiinamyllynkatu 13

Areas of expertise

Clinical Virology
Medical Microbiology
CNS and respiratory virus infections


Doctor of Medical Sciences (PhD), Department of Virology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Turku 1996, 

 Specialist in Clinical Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Turku2002

Docent in Virology, University of Turku 2005

Special competence in medical education, Finnish Medical Association 2009

Pedagogical studies for university teacher (60 ects) , Faculty of Education, University of Turku 2012

Head of virus diagnostic laboratory, University of Turku 2009-2015,

Chief physician Medical MIcrobiology, Turku University Hospital 2015-

Activities in the Medical Faculty: Vice Chair, Department of Microbiology and Pathology 2008-2010

                      Member  of a sub-committee for developing professional education in medicine,    2000-2005

                      Member of a developing education taskforce for undergraduates in dentistry, 2003-2007

                      Quality assurance supervisor, Institute of Microbiology and Pathology, 2005-2010  


I have been involved in teaching medical students since I started my carrier at the department of Virology. During my carrier as a teacher, I have realized that  learning is a continuous lifetime process and I have tried to adopte more cognitive and constructive models of learning and teaching. 

I have participated in development of PBL teaching in medical microbiology and setting up a teacher tutor system in medical faculty. I have written a guide for teachers about tutoring of students. I have published one pedagogic peer-reviewed article in Finnish.



My scientific interest due to my background of medical education is mainly based on viral pathogenesis and clinical virology. My special interest has been on Picornaviruses, which are important human pathogens. Enteroviruses cause respiratory infections, meningitis, encephalitis and myocarditis and rhinoviruses are the most common cause of common cold. Viral infections in wheezing children have been one major clinical project with international collaboration. On this field we have published several important findings (e.g. efficacy of prednisolon in early wheezing caused by rhinoviruses, the first wheezing episode with rhinovirus predict later ashtma development, hyperactive immune response in asthmatics to repeated rhinovirus infection). 


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Contribution of repeated infections in asthma persistence from preschool to school age: Design and characteristics of the PreDicta cohort (2018)

Pediatric Allergy and Immunology
Paraskevi Xepapadaki, Claus Bachert, Susetta Finotto, Tuomas Jartti, George N. Konstantinou, Alexander Kiefer, Marek Kowalski, Anna Lewandowska‐Polak, Heikki Lukkarinen, Eirini Roumpedaki, Anna Sobanska, Ina Sintobin, Tytti Vuorinen, Nan Zhang, Theodor Zimmermann, Nikolaos G. Papadopoulos
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))

Role of TGF-β in anti-rhinovirus immune responses in asthmatic patients (2017)

Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology
Bielor C, Sopel N, Maier A, Blau A, Sharma H, Vuorinen T, Kross B, Mittler S, Graser A, Mousset S, Melichar VO, Kiefer A, Zimmermann T, Springel R, Holzinger C, Trump S, Taka S, Papadopoulos NG, Weiss ST, Finotto S
(Kirjoitus tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (B1))