University Teacher, Laws
My research focuses on political economy of global technology law and legal theory.


+358 45 608 7547
Caloniankuja 3

Areas of expertise

international law
global law
transnational law
law and technology
data protection
artificial intelligence
legal theory
human rights
law and political economy
medical law


Dr. Toni Selkälä is an international lawyer with a keen interest to all things technological. Toni has worked in the past for NGOs and the European Parliament in different functions, and at present works as a university teacher at the Faculty of Law. Toni has been an exchange research fellow at Vrije Universiteit Brussels, Uehiro Centre, and the Asser Institute.

In his extra-academic life, Toni is an avid, albeit slow, cyclist and a passionate lover of dusty tomes. He has a bunch of most adorable children and is only grumpy when there's shortage of coffee in his life.


Dr. Selkälä has taught courses on international law, human rights, intellectual property rights, digital humanities, law and artificial intelligence, and legal theory. At present, Toni is part of the European Union Law, Fiscal Law, and Legal History teams at the Faculty.


Dr. Selkälä's research looks into interaction of global technical rules and humans. He has a long-standing interest in standards, technical documentation, and other non-traditional globally circulating legal forms. In his recent research he has focused on questions concerning artificial intelligence, medical gases, data protection, and synthetic biology.

In addition to technology, Toni's research focuses on questions of general legal theory. While his most long-standing interest is within the question of personhood in law, he has in recent years expanded his research to cover also questions aligning with law and emotions and law and political economy. His most recent research has looked at anger as a source of crisis and critique in law.


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Standardijuttu (2018)

Toni Selkälä
(Yleistajuinen artikkeli tai blogikirjoitus (E1))

Standard fare (2013)

Selkälä Toni
(Ammattikorkeakoulututkinnon opinnäytetyö, kandidaatintyö (G1))