Professor, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Professor of Animal Ecology
Areas of expertise
animal behaviour
applied ecology
conservation biology
life history evolution
population ecology
predator-prey interactions
I am a professor of animal ecology at the Department of Biology, University of Turku. Before this position I was working as a senior scientist at the Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) 2018-2019, as a university lecturer and Academy research fellow at the University of Turku (2011-2017) and as a senior curator and Academy research fellow at Finnish Museums of Natural History, University of Helsinki (2009-2010). I gained both my MSc (2000) and PhD (2003) in Turku and worked as a post doc in Turku and in the Netherlands institute of Ecology (2005) before the Academy fellowships.
My research interests range from animal behaviour and population ecology to multitrophic ecological interactions and evaluation of conservation strategies. My current main study systems are the hole-breeding animal community, waterfowl and birds of prey. See my publications in GoogleScholar profile or Publons ResearcherID profile (link above) because not all are listed below in the University of Turku database.
Climate change, breeding date and nestling diet: how temperature differentially affects seasonal changes in pied flycatcher diet depending on habitat variation (2012)
Journal of Animal Ecology
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Salakaadot susipolitiikan ongelma (2012)
(Yleistajuinen artikkeli tai blogikirjoitus (E1))The proteomics of feather development in pied flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca) with different plumage coloration (2012)
Molecular Ecology
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Candidate genes for colour and vision exhibit signals of selection across the pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca) breeding range (2012)
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Breeding time trends of the Crested Tit (Lophophanes cristatus) in southern Finland: comparison of data sources (2012)
Journal für Ornithologie
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Successful voluntary conservation of raptor nests under intensive forestry pressure in a boreal landscape (2012)
Animal Conservation
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Prospecting at conspecific nests and exploration in a novel environment are associated with reproductive success in the jackdaw (2012)
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology
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Long-term effects of yolk androgens on phenotype and parental feeding behavior in a wild passerine (2012)
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology
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Long-term fitness consequences of high yolk androgen levels: sons pay the costs (2012)
Functional Ecology
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