Areas of expertise
I completed my MA degree at the University of Turku in 2008. My degree consists of two languages, French and German, that I studied in the fullest length. I also have studied other languages and history. As I planned to continue to doctoral studies, I opted for the french 17th century. In this field I was given the opportunity to develop my doctoral project and to study 17th century French literature at the University of Lausanne in Switzerland. With the help of a scolarship from the Swiss government, I studied in a research center specialized in europen languages and literatures "CLE" (Centre de recherche des langues et des littératures européennes comparées). There I focused mainly in the methodology of comparative literature and completed a degree in the field during my three-year stay. In Finland, my reserch has been funded by Suomen kulttuurirahasto -fund and Turun yliopisto.
In the academic year 2017-2018, I am engaged as university teacher in the department of french studies at the University of Turku. My teaching consists of courses both in language and in culture. Regarding French language, I teach pronunciation, translation and interpreting. As for courses more in the field of cultural studies, I teach literature, intercultural communication and sociolinguistics. I also supervise candidate thesis.
My doctoral thesis is about Charles Perrault'n collection of fairy tales "Histoires ou contes du temps passé. Avec des Moralitez", 1697. The famous tales are considered as moral literature for adults. Viewed from this perspective, the tales' different textual aspects and the impact of context become of crucial importance. What linguistic and literal means are used so that the text can be characterized as moral? How is the moral dimension constructed in the context of origin? Even if the primary research material of my thesis are fairy tales, its' domain is not traditional fairy tale research, but more discourse studies and philology.
My other points of scientific interest at the moment are the influence of 17th century French literature in Finland (Topelius' references to French tales, as an eample) and the contact points in historical and cultural relations between french and finnish cultures.