University Lecturer, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Docent, Faculty of Science
Areas of expertise
population cycles
insect outbreaks
tritrophic interactions
plant-herbivore interactions
predator-prey interactions
at Department of Biology, University of Turku
M.Sc. (animal ecology and systematics) 1995
Ph.D. (ecology) 1999
University lecturer 2012-
BIOL1601 Biologian perusteiden harjoitukset
BIOL4051 Biologinen aineisto: johdatus tilastomenetelmiin
BIOL4210 Biologinen aineisto: lineaariset mallit
BIOL5201 Presenting and Publishing Scientific Data in Biology
EKOL2108 Populaatioekologia
EKOL4101 Ecological Interactions
My research has focused on cyclic population fluctuations of herbivores. During past two decades, I have used both experimental, observational and theoretical approaches for searching explanations to populations cycles of voles and birch-feeding moths in Fennoscandia. Currently, I also work on the project studying biology of the hard ticks (Ixodes ricinus and Ixodes persulcatus) and tick-borne pathogens in Finland.
Effects of warming climate on early-season carbon allocation and height growth of defoliated mountain birches (2013)
Plant Ecology
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Variation in prevalence and intensity of two avian ectoparasites in a polluted area (2013)
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Increasing vole numbers cause more lethal damage to saplings in tree monocultures than in mixed stands (2013)
Basic and Applied Ecology
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Vole damage to woody plants reflects cumulative rather than peak herbivory pressure (2013)
Annales Zoologici Fennici
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Microgastrinae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) parasitizing Epirrita autumnata (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) larvae in Fennoscandia with description of Cotesia autumnatae Shaw, sp n. (2013)
Entomologica Fennica
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Multi-objective optimization shapes ecological variation (2012)
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
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Do warmer growing seasons ameliorate the recovery of mountain birches after winter moth outbreak? (2012)
Trees - Structure and Function
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Invading and resident defoliators in a changing climate: cold tolerance and predictions concerning extreme winter cold as a range-limiting factor (2012)
Ecological Entomology
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Larval parasitism rate increases in herbivore-damaged trees: a field experiment with cyclic birch feeding moths (2012)
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Impact of host plant quality on geometrid moth expansion on environmental and local population scales (2011)
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