Tero Aittokallio profile picture
Docent, Faculty of Science
InFLAMES Flagship


Tykistökatu 6 A


Tero Aittokallio received his PhD in Applied Mathematics from the University of Turku in 2001, under the supervision of Prof. Mats Gyllenberg. He then did his post-doctoral training in the Systems Biology Lab at the Institut Pasteur (2006-2007), with Dr. Benno Schwikowski, where he focused on network biology applications using high-throughput experimental assays and network analysis tools such as Cytoscape. In 2007, Dr. Aittokallio launched his independent career as a principal investigator in the Turku Biomathematics Research Group, where he received a five-year appointment as an Academy of Finland Research Fellow (2007-2012). Tero Aittokallio joined Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland (FIMM) as EMBL Group Leader in the fall of 2011, and was selected as Professor of Statistics and Applied Mathematics at University of Turku in 2015.


Computational statistics.

Scientific computing.


Aittokallio's research group focuses on developing and applying integrated computational-experimental approaches to tackle biomedical questions, such as how genes function as interaction networks to carry out and regulate cellular processes, how alterations in these networks contribute to complex traits, such as human diseases, and where and how in the disease network one should target to optimally inhibit the disease phenotypes, such as tumor growth.


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Drug-sensitivity screening and genomic characterization of 45 hpV-negative head and neck carcinoma cell lines for novel biomarkers of drug efficacy (2018)

Molecular Cancer Therapeutics
Tatiana Lepikhova, Piia-Riitta Karhemo, Riku Louhimo, Bhagwan Yadav, Astrid Murumägi, Evgeny Kulesskiy, Mikko Kivento, Harri Sihto, Reidar Grénman, Stina M. Syrjänen, Olli Kallioniemi, Tero Aittokallio, Krister Wennerberg, Heikki Joensuu, Outi Monni
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))

Aggressive natural killer-cell leukemia mutational landscape and drug profiling highlight JAK-STAT signaling as therapeutic target (2018)

Nature Communications
Dufva O, Kankainen M, Kelkka T, Sekiguchi N, Awad SA, Eldfors S, Yadav B, Kuusanmaki H, Malani D, Andersson EI, Pietarinen P, Saikko L, Kovanen PE, Ojala T, Lee DA, Loughran TP, Nakazawa H, Suzumiya J, Suzuki R, Ko YH, Kim WS, Chuang SS, Aittokallio T, Chan WC, Ohshima K, Ishida F, Mustjoki S, Mustjoki S
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))

Prediction of overall survival for patients with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer: development of a prognostic model through a crowdsourced challenge with open clinical trial data (2017)

Lancet Oncology
Guinney J, Wang T, Laajala TD, Winner KK, Bare JC, Neto EC, Khan SA, Peddinti G, Airola A, Pahikkala T, Mirtti T, Yu T, Bot BM, Shen L, Abdallah K, Norman T, Friend S, Stolovitzky G, Soule H, Sweeney CJ, Ryan CJ, Scher HI, Sartor O, Xie Y, Aittokallio T, Zhou FL, Costello JC, and the Prostate Cancer Challenge DREAM Community
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Enhanced sensitivity to glucocorticoids in cytarabine-resistant AML (2017)

Malani D, Murumagi A, Yadav B, Kontro M, Eldfors S, Kumar A, Karjalainen R, Majumder MM, Ojamies P, Pemovska T, Wennerberg K, Heckman C, Porkka K, Wolf M, Aittokallio T, Kallioniemi O
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))