Tarja Saaresranta profile picture
Professor, Pulmonary Diseases and Clinical Allergology
MD, PhD, Professor
sleep-disordered breathing, sleep in middle-aged women, chronic respiratory failure, telemonitoring


+358 29 450 4571
+358 46 921 6342
Lemminkäisenkatu 3 b

Areas of expertise

sleep-disordered breathing
chronic respiratory failure


Current positions

  • Professor of Pulmonary Diseases (50%)

Chief Specialist (50%), Division of Medicine, Dept of Pulmonary Diseases, Turku University Hospital
Coordinating Director (20%), Sleep and Breathing Centre, Turku University Hospital

  • ​​​​​​​Education and degrees awarded

• Specialist in Respiratory Allergology, University of Turku, Finland, 2005
• Degree in Administration and Leadership in Health Care, University of Turku, Finland, 2005
• Registered Educator in Sleep Medicine, Finnish Sleep Research Society, 2005
• Special Competence in Sleep Medicine, Finnish Medical Association, 2001
• PhD, Pulmonary and Sleep Medicine, University of Turku, Finland, 2000
• Pulmonary Medicine Specialist, University of Turku, Finland, 1993
• Medical Degree, University of Turku, Turku, Finland, 1986
• Title of docent: Pulmonary Medicine, University of Turku, Finland, 2005


sleep disorders

sleep-disorderd breathing

chronic respiratory failure


Main research interests:

sleep-disordered breathing; sleep in menopausal women; treatment of chronic respiratory failure


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Sleep apnea and stroke (2014)

Journal of Sleep Research
Huhtakangas J, Huhtakangas J, Saaresranta T
(O2 Muu julkaisu )