Taina Saarenpää profile picture
Postdoctoral Researcher, History and Archaelogy
FT | PhD
Förfalskarna – Allmogens litterarisering och kunskap om det svenska språket i brottslig kontext i Finland under 1800-talets första hälft


Arcanuminkuja 1

Areas of expertise

Finnish history
archival science
history of archives
source publications
history of everyday life
gender history
family history, history culture
research data
memory institutions


I work as a Postdoctoral Researcher in the project Förfalskarna (forgers) where my study concerns forgeries as material culture.

Currently I am on a leave of abcense from the University of Lapland, where I work as an Information Specialist, mainly with data management and open science. In recent years I have worked as a researcher in different research projects as well as an expert in archives, museums and libraries.

I defended my dissertation in the department of Finnish history in 2019.


My teaching in the University of Lapland has to do with research data management and scientific publishing. I also teach the use of archival sources in Cultural History studies.

Form 2014 to 2018 I worked as a University Teacher in the Master's Degree Pathway in Records and Archives Management and was in charge of the development, coordination and teaching of the programme. In addition, I have taught medieval history and archival science.

I have completed pedagogical studies for subject teachers as well as basic level studies in university pedagogy.


My research interests include relationships between archives, museums, and historical research, archival science, and the continuum of research data. Archival science has a significant role also in my research concerning the history of everyday life, gender history, and family history.

My doctoral dissertation combined history and archival science. The focus was on the publication of medieval sources and especially in the publication of the Black Book of Abo Cathedral.


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Museonäyttelyn kulisseissa (2024)

Lastuja Suomen historiasta: Turun yliopiston Suomen historian oppiaineen blogi
Saarenpää, Taina
(E1 Yleistajuinen blogikirjoitus )

Advancing RDM Careers: A Framework for Expert Education in Finland (2024)

Minna Ahokas, Pauli Assinen, Lise Eriksson, Katja Fält, Malin Fredriksson, Siiri Fuchs, Enrico Glerean, Catarina Harjunen, Lucie Hradecka, Nina Hynnä, Helena Jäntti, Päivi Kanerva, Riitta Koikkalainen, Joona Koiranen, Mari Elisa Kuusiniemi, Ari-Pekka Kvist, Katja Laine, Mietta Lennes, Minna Marjamaa , Marja MoisioElina Mäntylä, Niina Nurmi, Elina Nurminen, Susanna Nykyri, Janne Nyström, Liisa Näpärä, Jukka Rantasaari, Päivi Rauste, Taina Saarenpää, Manna Satama, Riikka Sinisalo, Anna Småros, Anne Sunikka, Maria Söderholm, Mika Virtanen, Anne-Marie Tuikka, Qingbo Xu
(D4 Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti tai -selvitys )