Sufyan Garoushi profile picture
Docent, Institute of Dentistry
University Lecturer, Institute of Dentistry


+358 29 450 4487
+358 46 920 1996
Itäinen Pitkäkatu 2 B PharmaCity

Areas of expertise

Dental Biomaterials
Fiber reinforced composite
Restorative composite materials


I joined the University of Turku in 2004 as PhD candidate in the Department of Prosthetic Dentistry and Biomaterials Science. I completed my PhD in 2006 and post-doctoral research fellow in 2008. In 2011 I got Docentship in Dental Biomaterials from Biomaterials Science Department. I am now involved in undergraduate and postgraduate dental teaching programs. I am also involved in conducting a research in Turku Clinical Biomaterials Centre (TCBC) with goal of optimizing, reinforcing and developing a new restorative dental materials.


My interested teaching activities include pre-clinical and laboratory teaching for undergraduate dental students (Dental Biomaterials & Dental morphology) and research teaching activities with postgraduate students and visiting researchers.


My current research is focused on development and reinforcement of dental restorative materials.I am also involved with several clinical evaluation projects for dental devices.


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Incorporation of cellulose fiber in glass ionomer cement (2020)

European Journal of Oral Sciences
Sufyan Garoushi, Jingwei He, Jasmina Obradovic, Pedro Fardim, Pekka K.Vallittu, Lippo Lassila
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