Postdoctoral Researcher, Research Centre for Child Psychiatry


Areas of expertise

Mental health literacy
time-trend studies
digital interventions for young adults


I graduated with MSc in biodiversity and conservation from the university of Leeds, England. In 2013 I defended my doctoral thesis in ecology at the university of Turku. My thesis work focused on interactions between plants and herbivores (small mammals and insects) at population as well as community level on buffer zones in agricultural landscape.

Currently I am working as a postdoctoral researcher in the research center for child psychiatry. My duties are related to the Voimaperheet (engl. Strongest families) parent training program, which is being implemented into primary health care. More recently I have started working in a cross-cultural study of mental health literacy, which involves several countries in different continents. The study is at the planning phase and the aim is to evaluate a digitalized intervention designed to improve mental health awareness, knowledge, attitudes and help-seeking of 1st year medical students.


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The perceived impact of climate change on mental health and suicidality in Kenyan high school students (2024)

BMC Psychiatry
Ndetei David M., Wasserman Danuta, Mutiso Victoria, Shanley Jenelle R., Musyimi Christine, Nyamai Pascalyne, Munyua Timothy, Swahn Monica H., Weisz John R., Osborn Tom L., Bhui Kamaldeep, Johnson Natalie E., Pihkala Panu, Memiah Peter, Gilbert Sonja, Javed Afzal, Sourander Andre
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))

Translation, Validity, and Reliability of Mental Health Literacy and Help-Seeking Behavior Questionnaires in Indonesia (2022)

Frontiers in Psychiatry
Kaligis Fransiska, Ismail R. Irawati, Wiguna Tjhin, Prasetyo Sabarinah, Indriatmi Wresti, Gunardi Hartono, Pandia Veranita, Minayati Kusuma, Magdalena Clarissa Cita, Nurraga Garda Widhi, Anggia Muhammad Fariz, Pamungkas Subhan Rio, Tran Thach D., Kurki Marjo, Gilbert Sonja, Sourander Andre
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))