Sirpa Jalkanen profile picture
InFLAMES Flagship
Research Director, InFLAMES Flagship
Professor of Immunology, Academician


+358 29 450 4379
+358 40 566 9611
Tykistökatu 6

Areas of expertise

drug development


Academician Sirpa Jalkanen is Academy Professor and Professorof Immunology at the Medical Faculty, University of Turku. After her postdoctoral period at Stanford University she has worked in different researcher positions at the University of Turku, Finnish National Institute of Health and Welfare as well as the Academy of Finland. Recently, she has also worked first as a vice chair and then as a chair of the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters. She is the director of the MediCity Research Laboratory (the Research Unit of the Medical Faculty, University of Turku). 

The main interest of Sirpa Jalkanen’s research group has been in the mechanisms mediating the cell trafficking in harmful inflammations and cancer. She has published more than 300 peer-reviewed papers and has more than 10 patents. She is an EMBO member and a member of Academia Europae and has received several awards and honours such as Eli Lilly award, Maud Kuistila Prize, Anders Jahre Prize, Äyräpää Prize, Datta Medal, and 2ndEuropean Women Innovator Prize and the Finnish Pharma Industry Prize. 

She has also several positions of trust. She is a member of the board in three big Finnish Foundations financing research In addition she is a member of the board of Orion, the biggest pharmaceutical company in Finland and has been a co-founder of two biotech companies.




I have been teaching immunology for medical students since 1981. However, my main contribution is to train PhD students and postdoctoral fellows.


The overall goal of the research of the Jalkanen group is to elucidate the mechanisms regulating the traffic of leukocytes and cancer cells in the body. The focus is both on blood and lymphatic vasculature. Harmful leukocyte migration into the joints in rheumatoid arthritis and into the pancreas in diabetes are examples of diseases where leukocytes cause extensive destruction. These inflammatory diseases can be cured by inhibiting leukocyte trafficking. Also metastasising malignant cells often use the same mechanisms as leukocytes when extravasating from blood to different organs or migrating via the lymphatics into distant sites. The results obtained can be utilized when new types of drugs are developed to treat harmful inflammations and cancer. The group utilises the most modern imaging techniques, animal models, molecular and cell biology methods including single cell sequencing and mass cytometry and is intimately collaborating with clinicians.


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A plasma metabolite score of three eicosanoids predicts incident type 2 diabetes: a prospective study in three independent cohorts (2022)

BMJ open diabetes research and care
Tuomisto Karolina, Palmu Joonatan, Long Tao, Watrous Jeramie D, Mercader Kysha, Lagerborg Kim A, Andres Allen, Salmi Marko, Jalkanen Sirpa, Vasan Ramachandran S, Inouye Michael, Havulinna Aki S, Tuomilehto Jaakko, Jousilahti Pekka, Niiranen Teemu J, Cheng Susan, Jain Mohit, Salomaa Veikko
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))

Circulating inflammatory cytokines and risk of five cancers: a Mendelian randomization analysis (2022)

BMC Medicine
Bouras Emmanouil, Karhunen Ville, Gill Dipender, Huang Jian, Haycock Philip C., Gunter Marc J., Johansson Mattias, Brennan Paul, Key Tim, Lewis Sarah J., Martin Richard M., Murphy Neil, Platz Elizabeth A., Travis Ruth, Yarmolinsky James, Zuber Verena, Martin Paul, Katsoulis Michail, Freisling Heinz, Nøst Therese Haugdahl, Schulze Matthias B., Dossus Laure, Hung Rayjean J., Amos Christopher I., Ahola-Olli Ari, Palaniswamy Saranya, Männikkö Minna, Auvinen Juha, Herzig Karl-Heinz, Keinänen-Kiukaanniemi Sirkka, Lehtimäki Terho, Salomaa Veikko, Raitakari Olli, Salmi Marko, Jalkanen Sirpa, The PRACTICAL consortium, Jarvelin Marjo-Riitta, Dehghan Abbas, Tsilidis Konstantinos K.
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))

Cancer immunotherapies transition endothelial cells into HEVs that generate TCF1+ T lymphocyte niches through a feed-forward loop (2022)

Cancer Cell
Hua Yichao, Vella Gerlanda, Rambow Florian, Allen Elizabeth, Antoranz Martinez Asier, Duhamel Marie, Takeda Akira, Jalkanen Sirpa, Junius Steffie, Smeets Ann, Nittner David, Dimmeler Stefanie, Hehlgans Thomas, Liston Adrian, Bosisio Francesca Maria, Floris Giuseppe, Laoui Damya, Hollmén Maija, Lambrechts Diether, Merchiers Pascal, Marine Jean-Christophe, Schlenner Susan, Bergers Gabriele
(A1 Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä lehdessä )