Docent, Psychiatry
Adjunct professor, clinical lecturer
Areas of expertise
general hospital psychiatry
- MD 1982
- specialist in geriatrics 1990
- PhD 1995
- specialist in psychiatry 1996
- psychotherapist 2004
- training psychotherapist 2007
- adjunct professor 2012
- clinical lecturer at the university of Turku since 1997
I teach medical students and residents in psychiatry. During the last years, my main interest in teaching has been psychotherapy. I am the leader of the psychotherapy training for residents in psychiatry and adolescent psychiatry at the university of Turku.
My earliest interest in research was orthostatic hypotension in the field of geriatrics. Later on, after specializing in psychiatry, my research topics have been depression, psychosomatics and early psychosis.
Takuulla hoitoon - mutta millaiseen?: VARHAIN-tutkimus hoidon käynnistymisestä psykiatrisessa erikoissairaanhoidossa (2011)
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Outcome of depression in primary care: Better than expected (2011)
Public Health
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Kohtauksittainen ahmintahäiriö on yleinen syömishäiriö (2011)
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Weak sense of coherence predicts depression: 1-year and 9-yeas follow-ups of the Finnish Outcomes of Depression International Network (ODIN) sample (2011)
Journal of Mental Health
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The outcomes of interpersonal counselling on depressive symptoms and distress after myocardial infarction (2010)
Nordic Journal of Psychiatry
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Alexithymia, human relationships, and mobile phone use (2010)
Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease
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