Selcen Erten profile picture
Doctoral Researcher, Digital Language Studies, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Spanish

Areas of expertise

General linguistics
corpus linguistics
web text varieties in digital linguistics, Turkish morphology, teaching Turkish and English as a foreign language.


I am a Turkish linguist whose background is in languages both personally and professionally. After spending school years in Türkiye, Latvia and Sweden where I did linguistic analyses and studied several languages, I worked and studied at Michigan State University as a Fulbrighter. In December 2019, I got my Master's degree in Linguistics from Mersin University, Türkiye. In my Masters, I focused on the analyses of languages in digital modes, and specialized in the application of digital methods to the analyses of Turkish grammar. This specialization introduced me to Digital Linguistics at the University of Turku. Currently, I investigate web text varieties - web registers - with a focus on Turkish by combining linguistics with media and politics at the University of Turku.


Teaching Turkish as a foreign language at Turun Suomenkielinen Työväenopisto, Turku, Finland, between September 2023 and April 2024.

Teaching Automatic Text Processing course at University of Turku, Finland, between October 2023 and December 2023.

Teaching Automatic Text Processing course with Prof. Veronika Laippala at University of Turku, Finland, between October 2022 and December 2022.

Teaching General English and English Academic Writing at Toros University, Türkiye, between September 2016 and June 2020.  

Teaching Turkish as a foreign language at Michigan State University, the USA, between August 2015 and May 2016.

Teaching General English and English Academic Writing at Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Türkiye, between September 2012 and August 2015. 


The internet is one of the first sources one resorts to when seeking information. There are large number of text varieties on the internet - web registers - such as news reports, newspaper columns and internet forums. It is important to make the definitions of web registers and examine the linguistic characteristics of them, as otherwise, the purposes and means of the texts are blurred, media literacy is reduced, and reliability of the internet use is called into question. For these reasons, I apply Turkish registers ocurring on the web to recent political events which appear in Turkish media, and study how Finland's NATO membership process is portrayed in Turkish media through news reports, newspaper columns and internet forums. With this topic, I am grant-funded by Eino Jutikkala Foundation for the year 2024.


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