Santosh Lamichhane profile picture
Postdoctoral Researcher, Turku Bioscience Centre
Docent, Department of Life Technologies
Academy Research fellow

Areas of expertise

Systems medicine
Gut metabolome
Multivariate data analysis
Reverse Metabolomics
Molecular networking


Santosh Lamichhane is Research council of Finland, Academy Research fellow. He has title of Docent which is eqiuvalent to Assoc. Prof. in Metabolomics at  Department of Life Technologies, University of Turku. 

During his research fellowship Lamichhane will study the connection between gut microbiota and lipids and their clinical effects in early childhood. 

Lamichhane has been Visiting Researcher at The Dorrestein Lab at University of San Diego, California. During his visit he learned the reverse and reporsitory scale metabolomics to  understand chemistry of the microbes and how it impacts the human metabolism. 


Metabolomics lecture in Systems biology (SYS21012), Modern biotechnologies and bioinformatics course (BIOT1524), Bioanalytical Techniques (CHEMI6429) at University of Turku.


Lamichhane's research interest lies in the interface of human health, diet and gut microbial activity. He wants to connect these dots (health, diet, microbes) by profiling small molecules (termed as metabolites), which circulates in our body. To be very specific Lamichhanes core interest are reflected by following keywords:

- Metabolomics-Metabolites-Small molecules
- Human Nutrition and health
- Pre and Probiotics / Gut Microbiome
- Human intervention study

Relating to Lamichhane's experience, he has spent approximately a decade profiling small molecules in relation to human heath and (or) gut metabolome. He is open to collaborations relating to gut, health, metabolites and microbiome. 


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Dynamics of the Lipidome in a Colon Simulator (2023)

Kråkström Matilda, Dickens Alex M, Amaral Alves Marina, Forssten Sofia D, Ouwehand Arthur C, Hyötyläinen Tuulia, Orešič Matej, Lamichhane Santosh
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))

Infant gut microbiota and negative and fear reactivity (2023)

Development and Psychopathology
Huovinen Venla, Aatsinki Anna-Katariina, Kataja Eeva-Leena, Munukka Eveliina, Keskitalo Anniina, Lamichhane Santosh, Raunioniemi Peppi, Bridgett David J., Lahti Leo, O’Mahony Siobhain M., Dickens Alex, Korja Riikka, Karlsson Hasse, Nolvi Saara, Karlsson Linnea
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))