Sanna Salanterä profile picture
Professor, Department of Nursing Science
PhD, Professor of Clinical Nursing Science, Vice Dean
Connected Health UTU


+358 29 450 2709
+358 50 555 0567
Kiinamyllynkatu 10

Areas of expertise

Digital Nursing
Health Technology
Nursing Decision-Making
Pain care


Leader of Clinical nursing science education

UTU Nursing Leader of joint master's programme Future health and technology between the University of Turku, Finland and Fudan University, Shanghai, China

Co-leader of research programme Connected Health, PhD-education, Co-course leader of "Clinical interventions in health technology", "From research to scientific publication", "Systematic reviews in health sciences"

Research methods, clinical nursing science, decision-making in nursing, pain care (especially assessment of acute pain), health technology

Curriculum development

Member of Educational Council and Continuous education working group, University of Turku 


Currently my main research interesests are  health technology and clinical nursing. Our research team "Connected Health" develops and studies gamification of health, IoT for nursing and health, symptom care, information technology to support clinical decision-making, and text mining of clinical narratives.  


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Empowering knowledge and its connection to health-related quality of life: A cross-cultural study: A concise and informative title: Empowering knowledge and its connection to health-related quality of life (2016)

Applied Nursing Research
Koekenbier K, Leino-Kilpi H, Cabrera E, Istomina N, Johansson Stark å, Katajisto J, Lemonidou C, Papastavrou E, Salanterä S, Sigurdardottir A, Valkeapää K, Eloranta S
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