Sami Jouttijärvi profile picture
University Lecturer, Materials Engineering
Researcher, University Teacher, PhD (tech.)
Materials Engineering

Areas of expertise

Renewable energy
Bifacial photovoltaics
Energy network modelling
Solar cells
Fuel cells


I was born in 1991 in Vantaa, Finland and studied Engineering Physics in Aalto University School of Science. I got my Master's Degree in 2016 (Major: Advanced Energy Systems) and Doctoral Degree in 2020 (Major: Engineering Physics). I have a vast experience on renewable energy and energy systems from his studies and work experience.

Currently, I am working at Univeristy of Turku in Solar Energy Materials and Systems -research group as a Researcher and University Teacher (20%). My major research interest is to integrate solar PV to the existing power system effectively and cleverly. The work is funded by the Finnish Cultural Foundation and Emil Aaltonen Foundation.


Corresponding teacher (shared) in courses MTEK0015 Solar Energy Engineering (Autumns 2021 & 2022) and MTEK0002 Materiaalitekniikka 2 (Spring 2022). Planning and giving hands-on contact teaching in student laboratory sessions integrated to freshmen courses. Creating new teaching material and developing existing material.


My research focuses on utilizing bifacial photovoltaics to improve the match between solar electricity production and electricity consumption in Nordic conditions. The aim of my reserarch is to allow a higher share of solar energy in the power grid. Overall I am interested in the energy transition from fossil fuel based system to renewable energy sources, including both studying different clean energy sources and their integration to the energy network.


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