Areas of expertise
I am a cultural historian interested in the philosophy of history and intellectual history from the 18th century to the present. Since 1995, I have worked as a lecturer, university teacher, part-time teacher and research assistant at the Department of Cultural History. Currently, I work as a university teacher at the Department. I have also been teaching at the University of Lapland.
I work as a university teacher at the Department of Cultural History. My lecture courses and seminars at basic and intermediate levels mainly deal with the historiography, methodology and theory of cultural history. I also regularly lecture on the philosophy of history, and I act as a teacher tutor as well.
My main research areas are hermeneutics, philosophy of history, and German intellectual history from Johann Gottfried Herder to Hans Blumenberg. My licentiate thesis focused on the notion of history in Hans-Georg Gadamer’s philosophical hermeneutics. Together with Professor Kari Immonen, I edited the multidisciplinary and international book Herder, Suomi, Eurooppa (2006). The project confirmed my interest in German philosophical thinking at the turn of the 18th century and in the beginning of the 19th century. The cultural meaning and impact of philosophical ideas are an interesting research area for cultural historians. Other research areas I am interested in are historiography, methodology, the theory of cultural history, and the theories of cultural memory. I am writing my doctoral thesis on the philosophical hermeneutics.