University Research Fellow, Tuorla Observatory
Docent, Department of Physics and Astronomy


Vesilinnantie 5


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GRB 210222B: GOTO confirmation of afterglow detection (2021)

Mong Y, Wiersema K, Tse K, Ackley K, Galloway DK, Dyer M, Lyman J, Ulaczyk K, Steeghs D, Dhillon V, O'Brien P, Ramsay G, Poshyachinda S, Kotak R, Nuttall L, Pollacco D, Breton R; GOTO Collaboration
(Artikkeli ammatillisessa kokoomateoksessa (D2))

adH0cc spectroscopic classification of SN 2021fwa #2021-99 (2021)

Csoernyei G, Holas A, Vogl C, Taubenberger S, Floers A, Cudmani MG, Hillebrandt W, Suyu SH, Leibundgut B, Spyromilio J, Smartt SJ, Dobson M, Kotak R, Bruch R, Gal-Yam A, Lemon C, Blondin S
(Artikkeli ammatillisessa kokoomateoksessa (D2))

Radio observations of SN 2021yja #14915 (2021)

Ryder SD, Marnoch L, Kundu E, Filipovic MD, Alsaberi R, Anderson G, Stockdale C, Maeda K, Renaud M, Kotak R
(Artikkeli ammatillisessa kokoomateoksessa (D2))

Processing GOTO survey data with the Rubin Observatory LSST Science Pinelines II: Forced Photometry and lightcurves (2021)

Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia
Makrygianni L, Mullaney J, Dhillon V, Littlefair S, Ackley K, Dyer MJ, Lyman J, Ulaczyk K, Cutter R, Mong YL, Steeghs D, Galloway DK, O'Brien P, Ramsay G, Poshyachinda S, Kotak R, Nuttall L, Palle E, Pollacco D, Thrane E, Aukkaravittayapun S, Awiphan S, Breton RP, Burhanudin U, Chote P, Chrimes A, Daw E, Duffy C, Eyles-Ferris R, Gompertz B, Heikkila T, Irawati P, Kennedy M, Killestein T, Levan A, Marsh T, Mata-Sanchez D, Mattila S, Maund J, McCormac J, Mkrtichian D, Rol E, Sawangwit U, Stanway E, Starling R, Strom PA, Tooke S, Wiersema K
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))