Risto Rinne profile picture
Department of Education


+358 40 724 8911
Assistentinkatu 5

Areas of expertise

Sociology of Education
Politics of Education
International comparative research of education
Higher Education
History of Education.


Risto Rinne is professor of education and vice-dean in the faculty of education and head in the department of education and in the Research Centre of Lifelong Learning and Education (CELE) at the University of Turku, Finland. He is also the director of The Finnish Multidisciplinary Doctoral Training Network on Educational Sciences (FinEd) and the doctoral programme  “Educational Policy, LLL and Comparative research on Education” (Koulutuspolitiikan, elinikäisen oppimisen ja vertailevan koulutustutkimuksen tohtoriohjelma KEVEKO). He is a member of the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters and has published over 500 scientific publications.


Rinne has conducted and leaded in recent years several international and national research projects, such as:

                 - YOUNG_ADULLLT (2016–2019)(Funded by European Union). “Nuorten aikuisten elämänkulkuja tukevat politiikat” on kansainvälinen kahdeksaa maata vertaileva tutkimusprojekti keskittyy    eurooppalaisiin, nuorille aikuisille suunnattuihin elinikäistä oppimista (Lifelong Learning, LLL) tukeviin politiikkoihin ja politiikkatoimiin, joiden tavoitteena on samanaikaisesti sekä talouskasvun    luominen että nuorten aikuisten sosiaalisen osallisuuden vahvistaminen.     Osallisuuden ja talouskasvun toisistaan poikkeavien painotusten ja aikaperspektiivien vuoksi  poliittinen päätöksenteko voi olla ristiriitaista ja epätarkoituksenmukaista, mikä voi johtaa hajanaisiin ja tehottomiin käytäntöihin, jotka eivät toimi optimaalisesti nuorten aikuisten parhaaksi.

-  Justice Through Education, Nordic Centre of Excellence (funded by Nordforsk, 2013-2018)

- Transnational Dynamics in Quality Assurance and Evaluation Politics of Basic Education in Brazil, China and Russia (BCR) (funded by Academy of Finland, 2014–2017, 448 360 euros)

-Governance of Educational Trajectories in Europe (funded by European Union, 2010- 3/2013,   187 681 euros)

 - Family Strategies, Segregation and School Policies in Finnish and Chilean Basic Schooling (funded by Academy of Finland, 2010-2013, 120 000 euros /Turku)

 -Parents and School Choice. Family strategies, segregation and local school policies in Finnish   comprehensive schooling (funded by Academy of Finland, 2009-2012, 150 000 euros /Turku)

-Power, Supranational Regimes and New University Management in Finland (funded by Academy of Finland, 2007-2010, 358 890 euros

- Fabricating Quality in European Education (funded by Academy of Finland & European Science Foundation Collaborative Research (ECRP), 74 067 euros)

-OECD Education Policies: Three National Cases (funded by Academy of Finland, 196 391 euros)

-European Universities for Entrepreneuship (EUEREK) (funded by European Union, 130 223 euros)




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Johdanto (2015)

Piia Seppänen, Mira Kalalahti, Risto Rinne, Hannu Simola
(Vertaisarvioitu artikkeli kokoomateoksessa (A3))