Areas of expertise
Projects with research activities
BlueCleanDigi (Boosting the leap of Satakunta's blue businesses to carbon neutral and more digital businessoperations). Financed by REACT-EU. September 1, 2021 - August 31, 2023.
MERI-CLEANTECH (Developing clean shipping innovations in Satakunta). Financed by ERDF. April 1, 2021 - August 31, 2023.
Innovative Competence in Online Higher Education (InCompEdu). Erasmus + Programme. Leader of Intellectual Output “Identification of problems and good practices with transferring academic teaching to on-line mode”. April 1, 2021 - March 31, 2023.
SataDiLogis. SataDiLogis project aims to improve safety, security and commercial activities of the logistics and transport industry in Satakunta region. January 1, 2019 - March 31, 2023.
SEAMEASURES - Decarbonization of Baltic and North Sea shipping: abatement measures and socioeconomic impacts. Seed money project, BSR Interreg. Implementation of the project. October 1 , 2020- September 30, 2021.
CSHIPP – Clean Shipping Project Platform. BSR Interreg. Project manager, coordination and implementation of the project.Responsible leader of the project. October 1, 2018- September 30, 2020.
Maritime Spatial Planning for Sustainable Blue Economies (Plan4Blue). Interreg Central Baltic, coordinated by the Finnish Environment Institute SYKE. WP 1 leader (Potential for Sustainable Blue Economies), research tasks in particular related to Scenarios for Blue Growth. Responsible leader of the project. October 1, 2016- September 30, 2019.
Blue Growth Innovation Platform of Satakunta. ERDF-project in the region of Satakunta. Responsible leader of the project, research tasks. February 1, 2018 - December 31, 2019.
MERSU – The maritime environmental regulation and the Finnish business. Prime Minister’s Office, a project financed within Government’s analysis, assessment and research activities - programme. 1.9.2016-30.6.2017. Research tasks, management tasks of the project. September 1, 2016 - June 30, 2017.
MERMAID - Identification of risks and opportunities for maritime and tourism in the Artic.Prime Minister’s Office, a project financed within Government’s analysis, assessment and research activities – programme. Research tasks. November 1, 2014 - February 29, 2016.
Co-ordination of the co-operation of the Finnish core network ports (Naantali, Turku, Helsinki and HaminaKotka), and compiling applications for the call for proposal of EU’s CEF-programme. 7.4.2014-31.3.2015. Project manager. April 7. 2014 - March 31, 2015.
The sulphur directive and alternative fuels, (ERDF, at Oulu Region in the Northern Finland). 1.3.2014-28.2.2015. Project Manager. March 1, 2014 - February 28, 2015.
ESN, the Way Forward (EU Marco Polo). Research tasks. September 1, 2012 - August 31, 2015.
PROPS, 2008 – 2011, WP leader ( EU 7th Framework Programme) Research tasks. 2008 - 2011.
CIPROC (EU). Intermodal promotion of shortsea shipping. 2008.