Riikka Taavetti profile picture
University Lecturer, School of History, Culture and Arts Studies
Sukupuolentutkimuksen yliopistonlehtori, VTT
Cruising the Baltic Sea: Nation, Gender and Sexuality in pleasure-based ferry traffic between Finland, Åland and Sweden (PI: Katarina Mattsson, Södertörn University)


+358 29 450 3136
+358 50 571 5680
Arcanuminkuja 1

Areas of expertise

history of sexuality
queer history
gender history
queer studies
oral history
cultural memory studies


I work as a University Lecturer in gender studies. My expertise includes history of sexuality, queer history, oral history, and cultural memory studies. From 1 August 2024 to 30 April 2025 I am not in teaching position but I work in our research project Cruising the Baltic Sea: Nation, Gender and Sexuality in pleasure-based ferry traffic between Finland, Åland and Sweden


During academic year 2024-25 I do not have my own teaching but I give visiting lectures and assess essay assignments for some intermediate-level units in Gender Studies.



I have studied the history of sex research and queer memories in Finland and Estonia. I work currently in reseach project "Cruising the Baltic Sea: Nation, Gender and Sexuality in pleasure-based ferry traffic between Finland, Åland and Sweden" (PI Katarina Mattsson, Södertörn University, funded by The Foundation for The Foundation for Baltic and East European Studies) in which my work addresses the Sweden-ferries as a cultural phenonomenon in particular from the perspective of sexuality.

I also have reseach project titled The Rainbow Bridge: Queer History in Estonian-Finnish connections. In the project Niklas Koskinen (University of Helsinki) worked as my research assistant. The project is divided into two sub-studies: 

  • Estonian-Finnish Lesbian Networks at the Early 1990s: Remembered and Narrated Transnational Connections, together with Rebeka Põldsam (University of Tartu)
  • Soviet Estonia, Soviet Union and Eastern European Socialist countries in Finnish LGBTIQ+ press.


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