Rami Vainio profile picture
Professor, Space Research Laboratory


+358 29 450 4294
+358 50 511 4972
Vesilinnantie 5

Areas of expertise

Space physics
solar physics


I am a professor of space physics at the Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Turku, Finland, and the head of Space Research Laboratory (SRL), which performs experimental, theoretical and computational research on high-energy phenomena in near-Earth space. SRL continuously collaborates with several research groups in Finland and abroad and most of our research projects are joint efforts with a large number of researchers working on the same topics. SRL develops instrumentation for detecting energetic charged particles and numerical simulation codes to understand the propagation of charged particles through electromagnetic fields in space.


Interest areas: Space Physics, Plasma Physics, Astrophysics

Responsibilities: In charge of the Space Physics curriculum in the University of Turku.
Lecturing courses on Mathematical Methods in Physics II (BSc, 5 cp); Space Physics (BSc, 5 cp); Hydrodynamics and Hydromagnetics (MSc, 8 cp); Plasma Astrophysics (MSc, 8cp).


Solar energetic particles (SEPs). The Sun produces very energetic particles during solar eruptions, i.e., solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs). These outburst of energetic particles are called SEP events or solar particle events. Because they can penetrate thick layers of material, SEPs constitute a severe radiation risk to humans and electronics in space. Together with my research group and collaborators, I study the acceleration of SEPs close to the Sun and their transport in the interplanetary medium to near-Earth space and beyond, as well as the near-Earth radiation environment generated by SEPs.

Shock waves are transitions from supersonic to subsonic flow associated with compression (i.e., increase of density) and dissipation (i.e., conversion of ordered kinetic energy of the flow to random thermal energy). In ordinary gases, shocks have thicknesses of the order of the collisional mean free path of the molecular motion. In dilute space plasmas, binary collisions are too infrequent to account for the dissipation and re-distribution of energy. Instead, collective processes involving fluctuating electromagnetic fields take the role of collisions. Such shocks are termed collisionless shocks. In the absence of binary collisions, collisionless shocks generate energetic particle populations (such as SEPs) and together with my research group and collaborators, I focus on understanding this acceleration process in detail.


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Prediction of Solar Proton Event Fluence spectra from their Peak flux spectra (2020)

Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate
Aminalragia-Giamini S, Jiggens P, Anastasiadis A, Sandberg I, Aran A, Vainio R, Papadimitriou C, Papaioannou A, Tsigkanos A, Paouris E, Vasalos G, Paassilta M, Dierckxsens M
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))

Properties of Neon, Magnesium, and Silicon Primary Cosmic Rays Results from the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (2020)

Physical Review Letters
Aguilar M, Cavasonza LA, Ambrosi G, Arruda L, Attig N, Barao F, Barrin L, Bartoloni A, Basegmez-du Pree S, Battiston R, Becker U, Behlmann M, Beischer B, Berdugo J, Bertucci B, Bindi V, de Boer W, Bollweg K, Borgia B, Boschini MJ, Bourquin M, Bueno EF, Burger J, Burger WJ, Burmeister S, Cai XD, Capell M, Casaus J, Castellini G, Cervelli F, Chang YH, Chen GM, Chen HS, Chen Y, Cheng L, Chou HY, Chouridou S, Choutko V, Chung CH, Clark C, Coignet G, Consolandi C, Contin A, Corti C, Cui Z, Dadzie K, Dai YM, Delgado C, Della Torre S, Demirkoz MB, Derome L, Di Falco S, Di Felice V, Diaz C, Dimiccoli F, von Doetinchem P, Dong F, Donnini F, Duranti M, Egorov A, Eline A, Feng J, Fiandrini E, Fisher P, Formato V, Freeman C, Galaktionov Y, Gamez C, Garcia-Lopez RJ, Gargiulo C, Gast H, Gebauer I, Gervasi M, Giovacchini F, Gomez-Coral DM, Gong J, Goy C, Grabski V, Grandi D, Graziani M, Guo KH, Haino S, Han KC, Hashmani RK, He ZH, Heber B, Hsieh TH, Hu JY, Huang ZC, Incagli M, Jang WY, Jia Y, Jinchi H, Kanishev K, Khiali B, Kim GN, Kirn T, Konyushikhin M, Kounina O, Kounine A, Koutsenko V, Kuhlman A, Kulemzin A, La Vacca G, Laudi E, Laurenti G, Lazzizzera I, Lebedev A, Lee HT, Lee SC, Li JQ, Li M, Li Q, Li S, Li TX, Li ZH, Light C, Lin CH, Lippert T, Liu Z, Lu SQ, Lu YS, Luebelsmeyer K, Luo JZ, Lyu SS, Machate F, Mana C, Marin J, Marquardt J, Martin T, Martinez G, Masi N, Maurin D, Menchaca-Rocha A, Meng Q, Mo DC, Molero M, Mott P, Mussolin L, Ni JQ, Nikonov N, Nozzoli F, Oliva A, Orcinha M, Palermo M, Palmonari F, Paniccia M, Pashnin A, Pauluzzi M, Pensotti S, Phan HD, Piandani R, Plyaskin V, Poluianov S, Qi XM, Qin X, Qu ZY, Quadrani L, Rancoita PG, Rapin D, Conde AR, Rosier-Lees S, Rozhkov A, Rozza D, Sagdeev R, Schael S, Schmidt SM, von Dratzig AS, Schwering G, Seo ES, Shan BS, Shi JY, Siedenburg T, Solano C, Sonnabend R, Song JW, Sun Q, Sun ZT, Tacconi M, Tang XW, Tang ZC, Tian J, Ting SCC, Ting SM, Tomassetti N, Torsti J, Tuysuz C, Urban T, Usoskin I, Vagelli V, Vainio R, Valente E, Valtonen E, Acosta MV, Vecchi M, Velasco M, Vialle JP, Wallmann C, Wang LQ, Wang NH, Wang QL, Wang S, Wang X, Wang ZX, Wei J, Weng ZL, Wu H, Xiong RQ, Xu W, Yan Q, Yang Y, Yi H, Yu YJ, Yu ZQ, Zannoni M, Zhang C, Zhang F, Zhang FZ, Zhang JH, Zhang Z, Zhao F, Zheng ZM, Zhuang HL, Zhukov V, Zichichi A, Zimmermann N, Zuccon P
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))

The Energetic Particle Detector: Energetic particle instrument suite for the Solar Orbiter mission (2020)

Astronomy and Astrophysics
Rodriguez-Pacheco J, Wimmer-Schweingruber RF, Mason GM, Ho GC, Sanchez-Prieto S, Prieto M, Martin C, Seifert H, Andrews GB, Kulkarni SR, Panitzsch L, Boden S, Bottcher SI, Cernuda I, Elftmann R, Lara FE, Gomez-Herrero R, Terasa C, Almena J, Begley S, Bohm E, Blanco JJ, Boogaerts W, Carrasco A, Castillo R, Farina AD, Gonzalez VDM, Drews C, Dupont AR, Eldrum S, Gordillo C, Gutierrez O, Haggerty DK, Hayes JR, Heber B, Hill ME, Jungling M, Kerem S, Knierim V, Kohler J, Kolbe S, Kulemzin A, Lario D, Lees WJ, Liang S, Hellin AM, Meziat D, Montalvo A, Nelson KS, Parra P, Paspirgilis R, Ravanbakhsh A, Richards M, Rodriguez-Polo O, Russu A, Sanchez I, Schlemm CE, Schuster B, Seimetz L, Steinhagen J, Tammen J, Tyagi K, Varela T, Yedla M, Yu J, Agueda N, Aran A, Horbury TS, Klecker B, Klein KL, Kontar E, Krucker S, Maksimovic M, Malandraki O, Owen CJ, Pacheco D, Sanahuja B, Vainio R, Connell JJ, Dalla S, Droge W, Gevin O, Gopalswamy N, Kartavykh YY, Kudela K, Limousin O, Makela P, Mann G, Onel H, Posner A, Ryan JM, Soucek J, Hofmeister S, Vilmer N, Walsh AP, Wang L, Wiedenbeck ME, Wirth K, Zong Q, Wirth K, Zong Q
(A1 Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä lehdessä )

The Solar Orbiter magnetometer (2020)

Astronomy and Astrophysics
Horbury TS, O'Brien H, Blazquez IC, Bendyk M, Brown P, Hudson R, Evans V, Oddy TM, Carr CM, Beek TJ, Cupido E, Bhattacharya S, Dominguez JA, Matthews L, Myklebust VR, Whiteside B, Bale SD, Baumjohann W, Burgess D, Carbone V, Cargill P, Eastwood J, Erdos G, Fletcher L, Forsyth R, Giacalone J, Glassmeier KH, Goldstein ML, Hoeksema T, Lockwood M, Magnes W, Maksimovic M, Marsch E, Matthaeus WH, Murphy N, Nakariakov VM, Owen CJ, Owens M, Rodriguez-Pacheco J, Richter I, Riley P, Russell CT, Schwartz S, Vainio R, Velli M, Vennerstrom S, Walsh R, Wimmer-Schweingruber RF, Zank G, Muller D, Zouganelis I, Walsh AP
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))

Solar Intensity X-Ray and Particle Spectrometer SIXS: Instrument Design and First Results (2020)

Space Science Reviews
Huovelin J, Vainio R, Kilpua E, Lehtolainen A, Korpela S, Esko E, Muinonen K, Bunce E, Martindale A, Grande M, Andersson H, Nenonen S, Lehti J, Schmidt W, Genzer M, Vihavainen T, Saari J, Peltonen J, Valtonen E, Talvioja M, Portin P, Narendranath S, Jarvinen R, Okada T, Milillo A, Laurenza M, Heino E, Oleynik P
(A2 Vertaisarvioitu katsausartikkeli tieteellisessä lehdessä)

Particle telescope aboard FORESAIL-1: Simulated performance (2020)

Advances in Space Research
Oleynik Philipp, Vainio Rami, Hedman Hannu-Pekka, Punkkinen Arttu, Punkkinen Risto, Salomaa Lassi, Säntti Tero, Tuominen Jarno, Virtanen Pasi, Bosser Alexandre, Janhunen Pekka, Kilpua Emilia, Palmroth Minna, Praks Jaan, Slavinskis Andris, Kakakhel Syed RU, Peltonen Juhani, Plosila Juha, Tammi Jani, Tenhunen Hannu, Westerlund Tomi
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))

Statistical Study of Magnetosheath Jet-Driven Bow Waves (2020)

Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics
Terry Z. Liu, Heli Hietala, Vassilis Angelopoulos, Yuri Omelchenko, Rami Vainio, Ferdinand Plaschke
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))

Very high energy proton peak flux model (2020)

Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate
Osku Raukunen, Miikka Paassilta, Rami Vainio, Juan V. Rodriguez, Timo Eronen, Norma Crosby, Mark Dierckxsens, Piers Jiggens, Daniel Heynderickx, Ingmar Sandberg
(A1 Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä lehdessä )