Rafal Jastrzebski profile picture
Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Associate Professor (tenured) at UTU; Docent at LUT, PhD (Technology)
Research interests include electromechanical systems, digital\optima\adaptive control, energy applications, active magnetic bearings, magnetic levitation systems, and bearingless machines.


+358 29 450 3411
+358 40 833 7618
Joukahaisenkatu 3-5

Areas of expertise

Expertise links two major field: electrical machine design and optimal control methods. This leads to fields such as electromechanical systems, magnetic levitation
bearingless motors
active magnetic bearings
passive magnetic bearings
IPM motors
SPM motors
induction motors
position sensors
digital control
optimal control
model-based control
system modelling
system identification
adaptive control
heat pumps
high-speed technology.


Rafal P. Jastrzebski received the M.Sc. degree in microelectronics from the Technical University of Lodz, Poland, in 2002, and the D.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from the Lappeenranta- Lahti University of Technology (LUT), Finland, in 2007. Currently, he is an Associate Professor (tenured) at the University of Turku and Docent with LUT University. From 2013 to 2018, he was an Academy Research Fellow. From 2009 to 2011, he served as an Academy of Finland Postdoctoral Researcher.

Experience includes:

ISO Member

IEEE Senior member

Visiting Associate Professor / Visiting Research Fellow in Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan

Engineer / research assistant working on a grant / stipend (Electrical Engineering / Automation) at DESY, Germany

Assistant working on a grant / stipend (Electrical Engineering / Microelectronics), Lodz University of Technology, Poland

Short research visits at multiple universities, such as MIT, United States, Bialystok University of Technology, Poland, Virginia State University, United States, Technical University of Krakow Poland.


UTU Administrative responsibilities

Courses Taught

  • ATEK0028 Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering (2025-) Responsible teacher at UTU
  • ATEK0019 Fundamentals of Control Engineering (2025-) Responsible teacher at UTU
  • ATEK0020 Magnetic Levitation (2025-) Responsible teacher at UTU
  • ATEK0012 Model-Based Optimal Control (2026-) Responsible teacher at UTU
  • ATEK0030 Project course in automation engineering (2026-) second teacher / supervisor at UTU
  • ATEK0001 Fundamentals of Electrical and Automation Engineering (2023-2024) Responsible teacher at UTU
  • Basics of AMBs and bearingless motors (summer school: 2022,2023) Responsible teacher at LUT
  • Basics of Robust Control (summer school: 2022,2023) Responsible teacher at LUT
  • Digital Control Design (2007-2023) Responsible teacher at LUT
  • Diploma Work Project 2008-2022 (as MSc supervisor) at LUT
  • Bearingless motors and AMBs (2016,2018,2019) Responsible teacher at LUT
  • High Speed Machines (2010) One of lecturrers at LUT
  • Embedded Control (2004-2009) Teaching assistant at LUT
  • Programming in VHDL (2002) Teaching assistant at LUT


Core research relates to all aspects and components of magnetic levitation systems, high-speed rotors, and bearingless motors as well as application of optimal control methods.

Resent research activities are aligned with the strategy planned for the Automation team at UTU Automation Technology | Automation (utu.fi).


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Dynamics of a High-Power AMB–Multirotor Drivetrain (2023)

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics
Jastrzebski Rafal P., Putkonen Atte, Zhuravlev Andrei, Choudhury Tuhin, Sikanen Eerik, Kurvinen Emil, Pyrhönen Juha
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