Areas of expertise
MA, Speech Language Pathologist 1991 (Helsinki University). 1991-2011 worked as SLP mainly with children with severe difficulties in interaction and communication (ASD, ADHD, DLD). 2011-2017 worked as expert in communication, ASD and challenging behaviour in Kårkulla samkommun, organization for finnish swedish speaking population with intellectual disability.
My teaching responsibilities are developmental speech and language disorders, alternative and augmentative communication (AAC), clinical skills and anatomy and physiology in speech language pathology. I am also responsible for courses in voice pathology.
Aivoliiton Vuorovaikutuksen avaimet -hankkeeseen liittyvä interventiotutkimus "Ryhmämuotoisen intevention vaikutus leikki-ikäisten lasten kielelliseen ja sosiaaliseen kehitykseen (RILIV)".