Petteri Alho profile picture
Professor, Geography


+358 29 450 2115
+358 50 570 8333
Vesilinnantie 5

Areas of expertise

fluvial geomorphology
flood risks
river dynamics
close-range remote sensing
laser scanning
hydraulic modelling
glacial outburst flood


In 2005, I received my PhD degree in physical geography, after which, I was appointed to docent in hydrogeography at the Univ. of Turku, in 8/2008. I was granted post doctoral research of Academy of Finland in 2007-2009 and Academy of Research fellow in 2010-2015. Subsequently, I earn docentship in remote sensing applications in hydrology at the Dep. of Surveying, School of Engineering, AALTO University, in 3/2010. I have 20 years working experience at university level. Currently, I am working as a professor at the Dept. my of Geography & Geology, Univ. of Turku. I have also worked as an Adjunct Professor (15% part-time, 5-year post) at the Dept. of Real Estate, Planning and Geoinformatics, School of Engineering, AALTO Univ. In total, I have written over 60 peer-reviewed articles in international scientific peer-reviewed journals and totally over 100 publications (incl. international conference proceedings and abstracts). I have gained over € 3.5 million of external research funding as a principal investigator or a sub-project PI. 


At present, my research interests comprise four themes: 1) Modelling and analysing fluvial processes and flood hazards with multitemporal techniques; 2) Sensor based geoinformatics in abiotic and biotic processes; 3) Palaeoflood studies and 4) Applied geoinformatics in environmental studies and rescue services. I have undertaken multidisciplinary research with my Fluvial Research Group at Univ. of Turku, researchers at Aalto Univ., Finnish Geodetic Institute, Finnish Environmental Institute and a number of international institutes and universities.


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Tulvariskien hallinta uusilla teknologioilla (2015)

Metsätieteen aikakauskirja
Alho P, Laamanen L, Kasvi E, Wang Y, Flener C
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))

Geoinformatiikka luonnonvarojen hallinnassa (2015)

Holopainen, Markus; Tokola, Timo; Vastaranta, Mikko; Heikkilä, Juho; Huitu, Hanna; Laamanen, Risto; Alho, Petteri
(Oppikirja, ammatillinen käsi- tai opaskirja taikka sanakirja (D5))