Pekka Peljo profile picture
Professor, Materials Engineering
D.Sc. (Tech.)
Materials engineering

Areas of expertise

energy storage
flow batteries


I did my M.Sc. in Chemical Technology in Helsinki University of Technology in 2009, majoring in physical chemistry. I did my PhD (D.Sc. in Technology) in Aalto University in 2013, and spent 5 years as a post-doc and scientist at Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland. In 2018 I returned to Finland as an Academy Research Fellow to start my own research group. In autumn 2020 I moved my research group to University of Turku to start as an associate professor in materials engineering. I am the coordinator of EU-projects CompBat and HERMES, and a recipient of ERC StG.

My associate prefessorship in battery materials and technologies is a donation from 12 different stakeholders mostly from Salo region, including Valmet Automotive, Fortum, Finfoam, Lounea and the city of Salo.


I will be responsible of teaching the following courses in 2021-2022:

MTEK002 Materiaalitekniikka 2

MTEK014 Electrical Energy Storage Systems


My research focuses on next generation stationary energy storage. For this purpose, we develop redox flow batteries based on organic compounds in aqueous solutions. We are collaborating to utilize state-of-the art computational tools such as quantum chemical calculations and machine learning to discover new materials for this purpose. We are also developing solid boosters for flow batteries. In this research area, our focus is on developing tools to understand better the charge transfer between liquid and solid phases. My other interest include fundamental electrochemistry, photoelectrochemical hydrogen production, and heat generation with metal hydrides. 


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Redox aspects of lithium-ion batteries (2025)

Energy and Environmental Science
Peljo, Pekka; Villevieille, Claire; Girault, Hubert H.
(A2 Vertaisarvioitu katsausartikkeli tieteellisessä lehdessä)