Pauliina Peltonen profile picture
Postdoctoral Researcher, English, Classics and Multilingual Translation Studies


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Areas of expertise

language learning
second language speech
second language interaction
oral proficiency
communication strategies


I am a university lecturer in the Department of English at the University of Turku. During 2022–2024, I work as a postdoctoral researcher in the project Fluency and Disfluency Features in L2 Speech, which is funded by the Research Council of Finland. During spring 2023, I was a visiting researcher at Philipps-University Marburg in Germany.

I am a member of the research group FlowLang and a member of the executive team for Leala, The Centre for Language Learning Research at the University of Turku. During 2017–2020, I was a member of the executive board for the Finnish Association for Applied Linguistics (AFinLA; vice-chair during 2019–2020). Since 2014, I have been a member of the AFinLA research network Speech and Spoken Language Research

I defended my doctoral dissertation on September 11th, 2020 at the University of Turku. My doctoral dissertation focuses on Finnish learners' speech fluency in English. In the article-based dissertation, I examined the interplay between second language fluency and problem-solving mechanisms, such as communication strategies. The work was funded by the Utuling doctoral programme in 2014–2017 and by the Alfred Kordelin Foundation in 2019–2020 (6-month finalization grant).

During the academic year 2021–2022, I worked as a substitute university lecturer in the English Department, University of Turku. Before that (2020–2021), I worked as a project researcher in the project Fluency across Multilingual Speakers (MultiFluency), which is funded by The Swedish Cultural Foundation in Finland.

I have also worked as a part-time project researcher in the project Language and literacy learning through art (LALI; French department, University of Turku) during 2018–2019, as a part-time university teacher in 2019 (English department, University of Turku), as a part-time teacher in the Department of Languages at the University of Helsinki (2018, 2019, 2021), and as a part-time teacher at the Helsinki Summer University (2021).


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Sujuvuuden lähteillä (2020)

Hiiskuttua: Turun yliopiston humanistisen tiedekunnan verkkolehti
Pekka Lintunen, Maarit Mutta, Pauliina Peltonen
(Artikkeli ammattilehdessä tai kirjoitus ammatillisessa blogissa (D1))

Vinkkejä sujuvuuden opettamiseen (2020)

Pekka Lintunen, Maarit Mutta, Pauliina Peltonen
(Artikkeli ammattilehdessä tai kirjoitus ammatillisessa blogissa (D1))

Videopohjainen arviointimenetelmä (VIA) (2020)

Augustin Lefebvre, Julia Nyikos, Vera Varhegyi, Éloïse Dubrana, Isabella Mileti, Maarit Mutta, Pauliina Peltonen, Saara Hellström, Julia Danzinger, Lorenz Moosmüller
(Oppikirja, ammatillinen käsi- tai opaskirja taikka sanakirja (D5))