Parisa Movahedi profile picture
Doctoral Researcher, ​Department of Computing
Doctoral Researcher, Health Technology
Doctoral Student, ​Department of Computing.


Areas of expertise

Machine learning
Data analysis
Artificial intelligence
Medical image processing


Parisa movahedi is a Ph.D. candidate and a project researcher at the University of Turku, Finland. She received here M.Sc. (Tech) degree in information and communications technology at the university of Turku, Finland. Her main research interest include machine learning model development and evaluation of Non-i.i.d data and privacy preserving AI for health data.


For the last 8 years, Parisa has been working in several projects and collaborated with different institutes (Helsinki university, medical imaging center for southwest Finland, Turku university hospital (TYKS)) specializing in machine learning applicability and performance evaluation. Currently she is a part of the PRIVASA group, researching different areas of privacy preserving AI for health data.


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Finnish perspective on using synthetic health data to protect privacy: the PRIVASA project (2024)

Applied Computing and Intelligence
Pitkämäki, Tinja; Pahikkala, Tapio; Montoya Perez, Ileana; Movahedi, Parisa; Nieminen, Valtteri; Southerington, Tom; Vaiste, Juho; Jafaritadi, Mojtaba; Khan, Muhammad Irfan; Kontio, Elina; Ranttila, Pertti; Pajula, Juha; Pölönen, Harri; Degerli, Aysen; Plomp, Johan; Airola, Antti
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