Päivi Rautava profile picture
Docent, Faculty of Medicine
Department of Clinical Medicine
Professor, Chief Physician of Research


+358 50 300 5846
Kiinamyllynkatu 10

Areas of expertise

Professor of Preventive Health Care
Public Health
Health Care Management
Registry Study
Service System Research
Health Promotion


Public Health;

Preventive Health Care;

Health Education;

Health Promotion;

Health Care Management


My scientific work aims at the development and improvement of the health care service structure with epidemiological settings. The production of The Finnish Family Competence Study was directed at the development of preventive health care as well as evaluation of activities and quality of service. The development, disturbances and protective factors in the behavioural condition and mental wellbeing of newborns, toddlers, school pupils and adolescents, as well as the influence of parenthood and parents on their children’s outcome have been the connecting themes of my research. In these areas of research, multidisciplinary approach has been necessary and has proved to be productive and rewarding. The latest research interests are in electronic patient records, especially standardization of the entries, their utilization in management and in development of effective care processes especially in maternity and child health care.


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