Olli Raitakari profile picture
Professor, Cardiovascular Medicine (CAPC)
InFLAMES Flagship


+358 29 450 2304
Kiinamyllynkatu 10

Areas of expertise

cardiovascular and metabolic diseases
risk factors
vascular epidemiology
genetic epidemiology
dietary intervention
cohort studies
follow-up studies


2001   Docent in Clinical Physiology
1997-1999  Postdoc training, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney, Australia
1997   Docent in Epidemiology
1996   Specialist in Clinical Physiology 
1995   Doctorate, PhD
1989   Licentiate in Medicine, MD


2017-                 Professor in Cardiovascular Medicine, Director of the Research Centre of Applied and 
                          Preventive Cardiovascular Medicine, University of Turku, Finland                         



2012-2016                          Academy Professor, University of Turku

2007-2016                          Professor in Cardiovascular Medicine (part time), University of Turku

2007-2008                          Senior Scientist Grant, Academy of Finland

2004-2016                          Chief Physician, Department of Clinical Physiology and Nuclear Medicine, Turku
                                           University Hospital (leave of absence 2012-2016)

2002-2004                          Consultant in Clinical Physiology and Nuclear Medicine, Turku University Hospital

2002 (1 mo)                        Head of Nuclear Medicine Department, Turku University Hospital

2000-2003 (3 mo)               Head of Clinical Physiology Department, Turku University Hospital

2000-2005                          Senior Fellow Post, Academy of Finland

1998-2000                          Postdoctoral Research Post, Academy of Finland

1996-1997                          Consultant in Clinical Physiology, Turku University Hospital

1991-1996                          Positions as Resident in Clinical Chemistry, Nuclear Medicine, and Clinical 
                                           Physiology, Turku University Hospital

1988-1990                          Positions as General Practioner and Resident in Internal Medicine or Surgery


Evidence suggest that many non-communicable disease outcomes have roots in childhood and may even stem of adverse ancestral exposures. Improved knowledge how various ancestral and early-life exposures lead to adult disease outcomes is essential in developing better preventive practices and policies that lead to improved public health. My mission has been to contribute to this knowledge-base by working in epidemiologic cohort studies with follow-up from childhood to adulthood. I am the Principal Investigator of the Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study (YFS), the largest study in Europe with a follow-up of cardiovascular risk factors from childhood to adulthood. I am also the Director of the STRIP Study, which is a leading long-term pediatric dietary intervention study testing the hypothesis that modifying the fat quality diet will have beneficial effects on cardiovascular risk early in life. During the past years, I have organized several field studies in these cohorts, and introduced novel technologies, such as imaging studies, genetic epidemiology methods and metabolomics approaches in these unique population resources. Our research has contributed to the understanding of pre-clinical development of atherosclerosis in children and young adults, including the effects of diet, life-style, metabolic risk factors, psychological traits and psychosocial factors, inflammation, hormones and genetic markers. For example, by applying non-invasive imaging methods in the Young Finns Study, we have demonstrated that exposure to adverse lipids, elevated blood pressure and obesity in childhood is related to atherosclerosis development in adulthood (JAMA 2003). Subsequent work stemmed from this initial observation has led to numerous original publications that have shown in detail how exposure to a large range of aetiogenic factors early in life contribute to the development of cardio-metabolic outcomes in adulthood. For example, by pooling international i3C Consortium data, we have demonstrated that overweight or obese children who became non-obese by adulthood had similar risks of many cardio-metabolic adult outcomes as individuals who were never obese (NEJM 2011). Thus, the results of our studies have clearly demonstrated that individual’s exposure to various stressors in early life is contributing to his/her adult phenotype and disease risk. The results have had significant impact on preventive practices. As a concrete demonstration of the international recognition and impact of my team’s work, many of our studies are widely cited in all updated paediatric guidelines on cardiovascular prevention both in Europe and in US.


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Genetic association study of childhood aggression across raters, instruments, and age (2021)

Translational Psychiatry
Ip Hill F., van der Laan Camiel M., Krapohl Eva M. L., Brikell Isabell, Sánchez-Mora Cristina, Nolte Ilja M., St Pourcain Beate, Bolhuis Koen, Palviainen Teemu, Zafarmand Hadi, Colodro-Conde Lucía, Gordon Scott, Zayats Tetyana, Aliev Fazil, Jiang Chang, Wang Carol A., Saunders Gretchen, Karhunen Ville, Hammerschlag Anke R., Adkins Daniel E., Border Richard, Peterson Roseann E., Prinz Joseph A., Thiering Elisabeth, Seppälä Ilkka, Vilor-Tejedor Natàlia, Ahluwalia Tarunveer S., Day Felix R., Hottenga Jouke-Jan, Allegrini Andrea G., Rimfeld Kaili, Chen Qi, Lu Yi, Martin Joanna, Artigas María Soler, Rovira Paula, Bosch Rosa, Español Gemma, Quiroga Josep Antoni Ramos, Neumann Alexander, Ensink Judith, Grasby Katrina, Morosoli José J., Tong Xiaoran, Marrington Shelby, Middeldorp Christel, Scott James G., Vinkhuyzen Anna, Shabalin Andrey A., Corley Robin, Evans Luke M., Sugden Karen, Alemany Silvia, Sass Lærke, Vinding Rebecca, Ruth Kate, Tyrrell Jess, Davies Gareth E., Ehli Erik A., Hagenbeek Fiona A., De Zeeuw Eveline, Van Beijsterveldt Toos C.E.M., Larsson Henrik, Snieder Harold, Verhulst Frank C., Amin Najaf, Whipp Alyce M., Korhonen Tellervo, Vuoksimaa Eero, Rose Richard J., Uitterlinden André G., Heath Andrew C., Madden Pamela, Haavik Jan, Harris Jennifer R., Helgeland Øyvind, Johansson Stefan, Knudsen Gun Peggy S., Njolstad Pal Rasmus, Lu Qing, Rodriguez Alina, Henders Anjali K., Mamun Abdullah, Najman Jackob M., Brown Sandy, Hopfer Christian, Krauter Kenneth, Reynolds Chandra, Smolen Andrew, Stallings Michael, Wadsworth Sally, Wall Tamara L., Silberg Judy L., Miller Allison, Keltikangas-Järvinen Liisa, Hakulinen Christian, Pulkki-Råback Laura, Havdahl Alexandra, Magnus Per, Raitakari Olli T., Perry John R. B., Llop Sabrina, Lopez-Espinosa Maria-Jose, Bønnelykke Klaus, Bisgaard Hans, Sunyer Jordi, Lehtimäki Terho, Arseneault Louise, Standl Marie, Heinrich Joachim, Boden Joseph, Pearson John, Horwood L. John, Kennedy Martin, Poulton Richie, Eaves Lindon J., Maes Hermine H., Hewitt John, Copeland William E., Costello Elizabeth J., Williams Gail M., Wray Naomi, Järvelin Marjo-Riitta, McGue Matt, Iacono William, Caspi Avshalom, Moffitt Terrie E., Whitehouse Andrew, Pennell Craig E., Klump Kelly L., Burt S. Alexandra, Dick Danielle M., Reichborn-Kjennerud Ted, Martin Nicholas G., Medland Sarah E., Vrijkotte Tanja, Kaprio Jaakko, Tiemeier Henning, Smith George Davey, Hartman Catharina A., Oldehinkel Albertine J., Casas Miquel, Ribasés Marta, Lichtenstein Paul, Lundström Sebastian, Plomin Robert, Bartels Meike, Nivard Michel G. Boomsma Dorret I.
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Prevalence Implications of the 2017 American Academy of Pediatrics Hypertension Guideline and Associations with Adult Hypertension (2021)

Journal of Pediatrics
Khoury Michael, Khoury Philip, Bazzano Lydia, Burns Ttrudy L., Daniels Stephen, Dwyer Terence, Ikonen Johanna, Jacobs David R., Juonala Markus, Kähönen Mika, Prineas Ronald, Raitakari Olli T., Steinberger Julia, Venn Alison, Viikari Jorma, Woo Jessica G., Sinaiko Alan, Urbina Elaine M.
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