Olavi Kangas profile picture
Docent, Social Policy
PhD, Docent


+358 45 138 3790
Assistentinkatu 7


Olli Kangas is Director of Equal Society research programme at the Academy of Finland and Professor of Practice at the Department of Social Research, University of Turku. Previously he has been the Director of Governmental Relations (2015-2018) and Research Director (2007-2014) at the Social Insurance Institution of Finland. He has worked as Olof Palme Professor at the Uppsala University; H.C. Andersen Professor at the University of Southern Denmark, Professor at the Danish National Institute for Social Research (2004-2007), Professor in Social Policy, University of Turku (1994-2003) and research fellow at the Academy of Finland 1987-1993. His research interests revolve around comparative analysis of social policy systems, their causes and consequences in terms of macro-economy, income distribution and legitimacy of social institutions. Currently he is the leader of the research group evaluating the Finnish basic income experiment.


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Perustulo ja luottamus (2020)

Kangas Olli, Niemelä Mikko, Ylikännö Minna
(D4 Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti tai -selvitys )