Oiva Ristimäki profile picture
Doctoral Researcher, Literary Studies and Creative Writing

Areas of expertise

Victorian periodicals
George MacDonald
dream fantasy


A third-year doctoral student at the University of Turku, in my PhD thesis I study the supernatural dream passages in four works by the Scottish-Victorian author George MacDonald (1824-1905), with Prof. Markku Lehtimäki and Doc. Jyrki Korpua (University of Oulu) as my supervisors. My methodological approach combines the rhetorical theory of narrative and semiotics. For context, I study the mid-Victorian periodicals by MacDonald's publisher Alexander Strahan, most importantly Good Words, in an effort to understand the reading practices of the interpretive community of MacDonald's works.

Besides the works of MacDonald, my research includes the study of Biblical adaptation in Philip Pullman's trilogy His Dark Materials. My scientific networks in Finland and internationally include the George MacDonald Society, the Research Society for Victorian Periodicals, The Finnish Institute for Children's Literature, and The Finnish Society for Science Fiction and Fantasy Research. In addition, as a member of a team of four project managers, I organized The Finnish Literary Society's Annual Conference 2023.


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