Nora Ugron profile picture
Doctoral Researcher, School of History, Culture and Arts Studies


Areas of expertise

feminist poshumanities
feminist literary theory
decolonial thinking; queer theory
speculative fiction
climate fiction
environmental humanities
queer-feminist activism


Nóra Ugron (b. 1994, Târgu Secuiesc, Romania) is a Doctoral Researcher at the University of Turku, Finland starting in January 2022. She has an MA in Hungarian linguistic and literary studies from the Department of Hungarian Literary Studies, Babeș-Bolyai University, Romania; and a BA in Hungarian Literature and Language (major) and Finnish Literature and Language (minor) from the Faculty of Lettres, Babeș-Bolyai University, Romania.

She is a network coordinator of ELMO – Eastern European Left Media Outlet, a queer-feminist poet and activist for housing justice in the Social Housing NOW! movement in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. In her activist and artistic work she aims for building communities and networks of anti-capitalist resistance, based on mutual care and comradeship in the Eastern European region. She has also worked as a freelance theatre critic, mostly writing about Romanian independent political theatre. Her poetry volume in Romanian, "Orlando Postuman" (meaning: Posthuman Orlando), was published in 2022 at Fractalia.


Her PhD project “Transformative Imaginaries Across Queer-Feminist Literary and Liberating Activist Knowledge Production” examines contemporary queer-feminist, feminist posthumanist and decolonial literature and literary-activist practices from Romania, Finland and the US in order to find new ways of relatings to each other, humans and nonhumans, and to the world. I argue that these transformative imaginaries that are queer and multispecies can contribute to achieving broader societal change towards a more sustainable co-habitation of the planet.


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