Noora Kallioniemi profile picture
History and Archaelogy


Areas of expertise

Popular culture studies
film history
television history
audiovisual materials
digitized newspaper materials
environmental history and animal research
film history of the Second World War


I got my doctorate from the University of Turku in 2022 and have since worked on animal and plant history and studied film exhibitions during the Second World War. I am part of the Ecohistory of Finnish Cinema research group, where the study Finnish cinema from ecocritical perspective, and my own research project focuses on film exhibition and front-line cinemas during the Second World War.


I work as a postdoc researcher in the Fauna & Flora Fennica project (, where I study plant and animal history using digital newspaper materials. I am part of the Ecohistory of Finnish Cinema research group and my own postdoc project focuses on frontline cinema and film exhibition in Karelia during World War II. I have also worked as a postdoc researcher in the Memories of Porpoises project (


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