Niina Kekki profile picture
Doctoral Researcher, Finnish, Finno-Ugric and Scandinavian languages
University Teacher, The Centre for Language and Communication Studies
My doctoral thesis focuses on the language use of advanced learners of Finnish as a second language.


Areas of expertise

Second language acquisition
Finnish as a second language
corpus linguistics
linguistically and culturally responsive education
literature in language learning


Currently,  I work as project researcher in the project "Tuntemattomalla päähän?". The project focuses on the use of literature to support language learning of adult immigrants. Additionally, I am a doctoral researcher in the Utuling doctoral program in the school of languages and translation studies.

I have worked as a Finnish as a foreign language teacher at the Center for Language and Communication Studies and as a university-teacher of linguistically and culturally responsive teaching at the Department of Education.

Previously, I have worked as a teacher of Finnish language in several adult education institutes in the Turku region, and as a teaching assistant at the university of Tartu, Estonia.


In my current project, I instruct reading circles for adult language learners. At the Centre of Language and Communication studies, I was teaching Finnish for exchange students and international degree students. As a a teacher of linguistically and culturally responsive teaching, I was teaching multiple courses for pre- and in-service teachers regarding Finnish as a second language and literature, language-awareness, multilingual pedagogy, teaching Finnish in preparatory education and linguistically and culturally responsive teaching.


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Lukupiirit kielenoppimista tukemassa   (2024)

Päivärinne, Sari; Kastari, Mervi; Jokela, Hanna; Jytilä, Riitta; Kekki, Niina; Parente-Čapková, Viola; Udd, Taija
(D1 Ammatillinen blogikirjoitus)

Mother tongue education in four Nordic countries - problem, right or resource? (2023)

Apples: Journal of Applied Language Studies
Alisaari Jenni, Straszer Boglárka, Reath Warren Anne, Pesonen Sari, Kekki Niina, Iversen Jonas Yassin, Heikkola Leena Maria, Harju-Autti Raisa, Dewilde Joke, Daugaard Line Møller, Yli-Jokipii Maija

(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))