Postdoctoral Researcher, Materials Engineering
My research is focus on the electroactive materials and electrochemical analysis methods. Currently I am working on the electrochemical analaysis of the varies hormones
Areas of expertise
Electrochemical Analysis
Electrochemical Devices
in situ techniques
Redox Active Materials
Electrochemical Devices
in situ techniques
Redox Active Materials
I am a postdoc researcher in the field of electrochemistry, specializes in electroactive materials and electrochemical analysis. I obtained my Ph.D. in Department of Chemistry in University of Turku and currently in the Materials Health Technology group in Factuly of technology, pursuing cutting-edge research in electrochemical analysis of hormones
My research primarily revolves around electroactive materials, hybrid films, and electroanalysis, with a particular focus on electrochemical biosensors
Polyviologens: Electrochemical Synthesis and Characterization (2016)
(Artikkeliväitöskirja (G5))Polyviologen synthesis by self-assembly assisted grafting (2015)
RSC Advances
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Electrochemical synthesis and characterization of branched viologen derivatives (2015)
Electrochimica Acta
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Electrochemical synthesis and characterization of copolyviologen films (2013)
Electrochimica Acta
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