Areas of expertise
I am a doctoral researcher and a part-time university teacher in the Department of Social Research. I also hold a Master of Social Sciences, a license as a social worker, a Bachelor of Social Services, and an expert in multiculturalism. I have completed studies in violence research and religious studies.
I work as a part-time university teacher in the social work department
My research projects include:
SOWREL project (SOcial Work and RELigion), 10/2024 - 12/2026 SOWREL -project in English | SOcial Work and RELigion
Financial Social Work among Families with Children (FinSoc), 2021-2023, https://sites.utu.fi/talsos/
LAMPE project, 2021-2023 https://www.chydenius.fi/fi/sosiaalitieteet/tutkimus/lastensuojelun-asiantuntijuus-maahanmuuttajalasten-ja-perheiden-sosiaalityossa-lampe