Minna Stolt profile picture
Professor, Department of Nursing Science
Professor (acting), PhD, Podiatrist, FEANS, FFPM RCPS(Glasg)
Leader of the Quality of Rehabilitation, Clinical Nursing and Health Care research program


+358 29 450 3147
+358 46 923 7973
Kiinamyllynkatu 10

Areas of expertise

Foot health
physical health
functional health
instrument development
ethics in health care
quality of care


I work as Professor of nursing science (acting) in the Department of Nursing Science at the University of Turku and the Wellbeing Services County of Satakunta.


My teaching areas are research methodology including instrument development, different literature reviews, academic writing and nursing interventions.


My research focus on health from functional perspective. I am interested to evaluate patients’ functional health, quality of care and rehabilitation in different levels of health care, patients' own strategies to care for and promote their own functional health and to evaluate the competence of health care professionals to provide care and rehabilitation. Strong basis for research lies in foot healh research in different ages groups and contexts.


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Changes in caregiver burden and health-related quality of life of informal caregivers of older people with Dementia – Evidence from the European RightTimePlaceCare prospective cohort study (2015)

Evidence from the European RightTimePlaceCare prospective cohort study
Journal of Advanced Nursing
Michel HC Bleijlevens, Minna Stolt, Astrid Stephan, Adelaida Zabalegui, Kai Saks, Caroline Sutcliffe, Connie Lethin, Maria E Soto, Sandra MG Zwakhalen
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))

Associated Factors With Antipsychotic Use in Long-Term Institutional Care in Eight European Countries: – Results From the RightTimePlaceCare Study (2014)

Results From the RightTimePlaceCare Study
Journal of the American Medical Directors Association
de Mauleon, Sourdet, Renom-Guiteras, Gillette-Guyonnet, Leino-Kilpi, Karlsson, Bleijlevens, Zabategui, Saks, Vellas, Jolley, Soto; RightTimePlaceCare Consortium
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))