Minna Opas profile picture
University Lecturer, Study of Cultures
Docent, School of History, Culture and Arts Studies


+358 29 450 2862
+358 50 472 8191
Arcanuminkuja 1

Areas of expertise

anthropology of religion
anthropology of Christianity
indigenous religions
Amazonian indigenous peoples
religion in Latin America
material religion;


Dr Minna Opas is Professor of Study of Religion (fixed-term), University of Turku, Finland. She is Director of the Centre for the Study of Christian Cultures (cscc.utu.fi) and co-editor in-chief of Temenos: Nordic Journal of Comparative Religion.


I am reponsible for advanced studies and doctoral training in Study of Religion.


Minna Opas is an ethnographer of religion. She is interested in questions related to the anthropology of Christianity and indigenous religions and cultures. Driven by the aim to understand religion as lived, she has studied Christianity especially in the Amazonian indigenous context, concentrating on questions of materiality, corporeality, religious imagination, and interdenominational relations. Her recent publications on Christianity include a special journal issue of Anthropological Quarterly titled Institutions, Infrastructures, and Religious Sociality: The Difference Denominations Make (co-edited with Courtney Handman), and a co-edited volume Christianity and Limits of Materiality (with Anna Haapalainen, Bloomsbury). She is the director of the Centre for the Study of Christian Cultures (cscc.utu.fi) at the University of Turku and co-editor in-chief of Temenos: Nordic Journal of Comparative Religion.


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Christianity and politics (2019)

Approaching Religion
Anna Haapalainen, Minna Opas, Marika Räsänen
(A1 Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä lehdessä )

Kellojen herra (2017)

Kamppinen Matti, Opas Minna, Rönkä Mia
(Artikkeli ammattilehdessä tai kirjoitus ammatillisessa blogissa (D1))