Biodiversity Unit of the University of Turku
Potential emigration of Siberian cattle germplasm on Chirikof Island, Alaska (2017)
Journal of Genetics
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Genetic diversity and genomic signatures of selection among cattle breeds from Siberia, eastern and northern Europe (2016)
Animal Genetics
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Genomewide introgressive hybridization patterns in wild Atlantic salmon influenced by inadvertent gene flow from hatchery releases (2016)
Molecular Ecology
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Atlantic salmon populations reveal adaptive divergence of immune related genes - a duplicated genome under selection (2016)
BMC Genomics
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Combining genetic markers with an adaptive meristic trait improves performance of mixed-stock analysis in Baltic whitefish (2016)
ICES Journal of Marine Science
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Genes that affect Atlantic salmon growth in hatchery do not have the same effect in the wild (2016)
Functional Ecology
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The Formation of Landlocked Populations of Atlantic Salmon (2015)
(Vertaisarvioitu artikkeli kokoomateoksessa (A3))Use of sibling relationship reconstruction to complement traditional monitoring in fisheries management and conservation of brown trout. (2015)
Conservation Biology
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Generation of a neutral F-ST baseline for testing local adaptation on gill raker number within and between European whitefish ecotypes in the Baltic Sea basin (2015)
Journal of Evolutionary Biology
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Temporal variation of genetic composition in Atlantic salmon populations from the Western White Sea Basin: influence of anthropogenic factors? (2013)
BMC Genetics
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