Docent, Faculty of Science
Senior Research Fellow, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Areas of expertise
environmental pollution
global change research
insect-plant interactions
fluctuating asymmetry
I graduated from St. Petersburg University in 1984 and obtained a Ph.D. in entomology in 1986. From 1984–1991, I was employed by the All-Union Institute of Plant Protection in St. Petersburg, Russia. Since 1991, I have worked at the University of Turku, Finland.
Insects are my favourite study objects. I started as an entomologist working on the morphology and systematics of archaic moths, but then extended my interest to insect ecology. My environmental research addresses the impacts of industrial pollution on terrestrial biota; my current focus is on global change impacts on trophic interactions in terrestrial ecosystems.
Drivers of host plant shifts in the leaf beetle Chrysomela lapponica: natural enemies or competition? (2010)
Ecological Entomology
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An ericoid shrub plays a dual role in recruiting both pines and their fungal symbionts along primary succession gradients (2010)
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Growth and reproduction of vascular plants in polluted environments: a synthesis of existing knowledge (2010)
Environmental Reviews
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Effects of sap-feeding insect herbivores on growth and reproduction of woody plants: a meta-analysis of experimental studies (2010)
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Birch effects on root fungal colonisation of crowberry are uniform along different environmental gradients (2010)
Basic and Applied Ecology
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Diverse population trajectories among coexisting species of subarctic forest moths (2010)
Population Ecology
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Responses of terrestrial arthropods to air pollution: a meta-analysis (2010)
Environmental Science and Pollution Research
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Evolutionary variations on a theme: host plant specialization in five geographical populations of the leaf beetle Chrysomela lapponica (2010)
Population Ecology
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New and interesting records of Lepidoptera from the Kola Peninsula, Northwestern Russia, in 2000-2009 (2010)
Entomologica Fennica
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