Mika Kortelainen profile picture
InFLAMES Flagship
Professor, Economics
Professor, Research Professor (THL), Vice-head of Department of Economics
InFLAMES Flagship


+358 29 450 4818
+358 50 308 2642

Areas of expertise

Health economics
health care financing
social and health care reform


Mika Kortelainen is a professor of health economics at the University of Turku and a research professor at the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL). Previously, he has worked as a chief researcher at the VATT Institute for Economic Research and as a lecturer at the University of Manchester, UK. He is also a docent of economics at the University of Helsinki. 


Health economics, pharmaceutical markets, causal inference


Mika Kortelainen's research fields include health economics, economics of education and applied microeconometrics. His ongoing research projects concern the effectiveness of information and digital technologies in healthcare and the impacts of the healthcare and pharmaceutical market reforms and interventions.


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Kapitaatiokorvaukset sote-keskuksen suoran valinnan palveluissa (2019)

Työpaperi / Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos
Unto Häkkinen, Mika Kortelainen, Kaisa Kotakorpi, Taru Haula, Satu Kapiainen, Suvi Mäklin, Mikko Peltola, Tuuli Puroharju
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))