Miika Laihonen profile picture
Doctoral Researcher, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology


Areas of expertise

trophic interactions
insect-plant interactions


I studied here at University of Turku and got my MSc in 2018. Short after graduation I got my current position as grant researcher in Professor Kari Saikkonen's group.

I am finishing my PhD studies. I have been studying plant-herbivore interactions and their mediation by a microbial symbiont.


I study symbiotic endophytic fungi in grasses. Mutualistic interaction between a plant and a fungus offers theoretically interesting study system for research on trophic interactions and coevolution. Such symbionts could also be utilized in agriculture. My focus is in insect-plant interactions and how they could be affected by endophytic fungi.


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Plant size, latitude, and phylogeny explain within-population variability in herbivory (2023)

Herbivory Variability Network*†, Robinson ML, Hahn PG, Inouye BD, Underwood N, Whitehead SR, Abbott KC, Bruna EM, Cacho NI, Dyer LA, Abdala-Roberts L, Allen WJ, Andrade JF, Angulo DF, Anjos D, Anstett DN, Bagchi R, Bagchi S, Barbosa M, Barrett S, Baskett CA, Ben-Simchon E, Bloodworth KJ, Bronstein JL, Buckley YM, Burghardt KT, Bustos-Segura C, Calixto ES, Carvalho RL, Castagneyrol B, Chiuffo MC, Cinoğlu D, Cinto Mejía E, Cock MC, Cogni R, Cope OL, Cornelissen T, Cortez DR, Crowder DW, Dallstream C, Dáttilo W, Davis JK, Dimarco RD, Dole HE, Egbon IN, Eisenring M, Ejomah A, Elderd BD, Endara MJ, Eubanks MD, Everingham SE, Farah KN, Farias RP, Fernandes AP, Fernandes GW, Ferrante M, Finn A, Florjancic GA, Forister ML, Fox QN, Frago E, França FM, Getman-Pickering AS, Getman-Pickering Z, Gianoli E, Gooden B, Gossner MM, Greig KA, Gripenberg S, Groenteman R, Grof-Tisza P, Haack N, Hahn L, Haq SM, Helms AM, Hennecke J, Hermann SL, Holeski LM, Holm S, Hutchinson MC, Jackson EE, Kagiya S, Kalske A, Kalwajtys M, Karban R, Kariyat R, Keasar T, Kersch-Becker MF, Kharouba HM, Kim TN, Kimuyu DM, Kluse J, Koerner SE, Komatsu KJ, Krishnan S, Laihonen M, Lamelas-López L, LaScaleia MC, Lecomte N, Lehn CR, Li X, Lindroth RL, LoPresti EF, Losada M, Louthan AM, Luizzi VJ, Lynch SC, Lynn JS, Lyon NJ, Maia LF, Maia RA, Mannall TL, Martin BS, Massad TJ, McCall AC, McGurrin K, Merwin AC, Mijango-Ramos Z, Mills CH, Moles AT, Moore CM, Moreira X, Morrison CR, Moshobane MC, Muola A, Nakadai R, Nakajima K, Novais S, Ogbebor CO, Ohsaki H, Pan VS, Pardikes NA, Pareja M, Parthasarathy N, Pawar RR, Paynter Q, Pearse IS, Penczykowski RM, Pepi AA, Pereira CC, Phartyal SS, Piper FI, Poveda K, Pringle EG, Puy J, Quijano T, Quintero C, Rasmann S, Rosche C, Rosenheim LY, Rosenheim JA, Runyon JB, Sadeh A, Sakata Y, Salcido DM, Salgado-Luarte C, Santos BA, Sapir Y, Sasal Y, Sato Y, Sawant M, Schroeder H, Schumann I, Segoli M, Segre H, Shelef O, Shinohara N, Singh RP, Smith DS, Sobral M, Stotz GC, Tack AJM, Tayal M, Tooker JF, Torrico-Bazoberry D, Tougeron K, Trowbridge AM, Utsumi S, Uyi O, Vaca-Uribe JL, Valtonen A, van Dijk LJA, Vandvik V, Villellas J, Waller LP, Weber MG, Yamawo A, Yim S, Zarnetske PL, Zehr LN, Zhong Z, Wetzel WC
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