Doctoral Researcher, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Areas of expertise
trophic interactions
insect-plant interactions
I studied here at University of Turku and got my MSc in 2018. Short after graduation I got my current position as grant researcher in Professor Kari Saikkonen's group.
I am finishing my PhD studies. I have been studying plant-herbivore interactions and their mediation by a microbial symbiont.
I study symbiotic endophytic fungi in grasses. Mutualistic interaction between a plant and a fungus offers theoretically interesting study system for research on trophic interactions and coevolution. Such symbionts could also be utilized in agriculture. My focus is in insect-plant interactions and how they could be affected by endophytic fungi.
Plant size, latitude, and phylogeny explain within-population variability in herbivory (2023)
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A Glyphosate-Based Herbicide in Soil Differentially Affects Hormonal Homeostasis and Performance of Non-target Crop Plants (2022)
Frontiers in Plant Science
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Root biomass and cumulative yield increase with mowing height in Festuca pratensis irrespective of Epichloë symbiosis (2022)
Scientific Reports
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Epichloë Endophyte-Promoted Seed Pathogen Increases Host Grass Resistance Against Insect Herbivory (2022)
Frontiers in Microbiology
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Risk in the circular food economy: Glyphosate-based herbicide residues in manure fertilizers decrease crop yield (2021)
Science of the Total Environment
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Insect oviposition preference between Epichloe-symbiotic and Epichloe-free grasses does not necessarily reflect larval performance (2020)
Ecology and Evolution
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Female Preference and Adverse Developmental Effects of Glyphosate-Based Herbicides on Ecologically Relevant Traits in Japanese Quails (2020)
Environmental Science and Technology
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