Mia Hakovirta profile picture
Professor, Social Work


+358 29 450 2183
+358 40 751 1168
Assistentinkatu 7

Areas of expertise

Family Policy
Lone Parenthood
Child Maintenance and Child Support Policy
Child poverty
Finanacial Social Work


I completed my MA at the University of Tampere (1994) and did my PhD at the University of Turku (2006). My doctoral dissertation explored the employment and incomes of lone mothers in different welfare states. I have worked as a senior lecturer and post-doctoral and academy reserach fellow project funded by the Academy of Finland  I am a PI of three projects: Economic well-being of shared care families (EconShared) funded by Academy of Finland, Financial Social Work among families with children(TALSOS) funded by Minsitry of Social Affairs and Children First: Nordic policies and children’s well-being funded by NordForsk. I have been a visiting scholar at the Norwegian Social Research Center, Social Policy Research Center (SPRU) at the University of York (UK), Rutgers University (USA), University of Wisconsin, Madison (USA) and as Endeavour Scholar in RMIT University, Melbourne (Australia).


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Lapsen elatus, vanhempien toimeentulo ja köyhyys (2019)

Janus: sosiaalipolitiikan ja sosiaalityön tutkimuksen aikakauslehti
Mari Haapanen, Mia Hakovirta
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))

Children’s Perceptions of Poverty (2016)

Child Indicators Research
Hakovirta Mia, Kallio Johanna
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))