I am a doctoral researcher at the Department of Education, University of Turku, Finland. From August to December 2021, my research was funded by the Finnish Cultural Foundation, Varsinais-Suomi Regional fund. I have previously worked as a project researcher in projects OPA (Opettajien arviointiosaaminen oppimisen, osallisuuden ja tuen toteutumisen edistäjänä) and TRY (Toinen reitti yliopistoon / the Alternative Path to University), funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture, and as a coordinator of the NERA2020 (the Nordic Educational Research Association) Conference.
Teaching at the Department of Education:
KTL_0098 Social Class and Education (11/2021-07/2022); KASA3169 Introduction to Learning, Instruction and Student Assessment, Open University Studies (essays, spring 2022); KTLA0125 Educational Policies (group teaching, autumn 2022, 2023, 2024); AIKK0052 Adults in Changing Education and Working Life, Open University Studies (essays, spring 2023, 2024)
I am interested in relationships between education, economy and society. My doctoral research aims at studying views of open university leaders and students on the open university and the open university path in the context of marketising higher education and the changing labour market. I also study assessment conceptions and work of special needs teachers and pre-service special needs teachers.