Merja Anis profile picture
Professor, Social Work
Adolescents with neuropsychiatric symptoms, NEPSOS; Youth in child protection and adolescent psychiatry services, LANUPS; The child protection expertise in social work with migrant children, LAMPE


+358 29 450 2121
+358 50 570 8673
Assistentinkatu 7

Areas of expertise

Social work with migrants and ethnic minorities, child protection
child, youth and family social work, social work specialization education


My research activities and publications as well as my teaching topics embrace social work with migrants and ethnic minorities, child welfare social work, gender and social work and social work ethics.

My methodological emphasis is on qualitative research.

My current activities contain the specialization education of child, youth and family social work.

I supervise master´s and doctoral students.

My doctoral dissertation defended in 2008, was titled Social Work and Immigrants - Interaction and Interpretations of Child Protection Professionals and Clients.

I am also a licentiate social worker. 


Cultural diversity, immigration and minority issues in social work, social work and gender

Qualitative research methods

Child, youth and family social work specialization education

Guidance of master´s thesis and post graduate studies


My current research topics are:

- Child protection expertise in social work with migrant children and families, Lampe-research project:

- Youth in child protection and adolescent psychiatry services, Lanups-research project: Lastensuojelun sosiaalityön ja nuorisopsykiatrian yhteistutkiminen ja -kehittäminen Länsi- ja Itä-Suomessa, LANUPS-hanke | Sote-akatemia (

- Adolescents with neuropsychiatric symptoms in the turmoil of the service system: The NEPSOS interdisciplinary study of social work, adolescent psychiatry and special education,


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Kuinka sijoitettujen nuorten mielenterveyttä voi tukea? (2022)

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(Vertaisarvioitu katsausartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A2))