Matti Poutanen profile picture
Professor, Institute of Biomedicine
InFLAMES Flagship


+358 29 450 2632
+358 50 366 0140
Kiinamyllynkatu 10

Areas of expertise

gentically modified mice
sex steroids
hormonal cancer



1987, M.Sc., Department of Biochemistry, University of Oulu, Finland

1993, Ph.D., Department of Clinical Chemistry, University of Oulu, Finland         

1997, Title of Docent (Adjunct professor); Biochemical Endocrinology, University of Oulu, Finland   


Professor, Department of Physiology, University of Turku, and Director of Turku Center for Disease Modeling, University of Turku, Finland

Senior Scientist lecturer, Institute of Medicine, The Sahlgrenska Academy, Gothenburg University, Gothenburg, Sweden

Academy of Finland, The Finnish Cancer Organisations, Sigrid Juselius Foundation, Novo Foundation, Vetenskaps Rådet, Business Finland and Industry

SUPERVISION OF STUDENTS: 30 PhD students supervised, 6 in training.


Research is mainly focused on sex steroid synthesis and action, with total number of citation 6270 (Web of Science, April 2018); number of citations in 2017: ~400; average citations per article: 26.8; h-index: 46; 182 original peer-reviewed publications; 5 publications in high-impact journals (I.F. ≥ 10): J. Clin. Invest. 2x (I.F. 13), Cell Metab.(I.F. 17), Nat. Med. (I.F. 28), Gut (I.F. 14)

 Co-founder, Forendo Pharma ltd ( focusing on hormonal therapies for endometriosis and male hypogonadism. The company has closed its investment rounds with the leading Nordic start-up investors Karolinska Development AB, Novo Seeds and Finnvera. 


Teaching experience in, endocrinology, developmental biology, hormonal cancer, GM mice and animal models and in vivo imaging


Our research group has been internationally in a key position in providing evidence for the concept where the ligand concentration available for steroid hormone receptor binding is markedly regulated by the target tissue metabolism, termed intracrine steroid hormone action. The concept has proven to be essential for the growth and progression of both prostate and breast cancer. We, furthermore, have shown this concept to be valid also in premenopausal women, eg. in the endometriosis, and other medically relevant implications are expected to rise in the near future.


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Exploratory Analysis of CA125-MGL and –STn Glycoforms in the Differential Diagnostics of Pelvic Masses (2020)

The Journal of Applied Laboratory Medicine
Liina Salminen, Nimrah Nadeem, Anne Lone Rolfsen, Anne Dørum, Teemu D Laajala, Seija Grènman, Sakari Hietanen, Taija Heinosalo, Antti Perheentupa, Matti Poutanen, Nils Bolstad, Olli Carpén, Urpo Lamminmäki, Kim Pettersson, Kamlesh Gidwani, Johanna Hynninen, Kaisa Huhtinen
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))

Genetic Ablation of MiR-22 Fosters Diet-Induced Obesity and NAFLD Development (2020)

Journal of Personalized Medicine
Gjorgjieva Monika, Sobolewski Cyril, Ay Anne-Sophie, Abegg Daniel, de Sousa Marta Correia, Portius Dorothea, Berthou Flavien, Fournier Margot, Maeder Christine, Rantakari Pia, Zhang Fu-Ping, Poutanen Matti, Picard Didier, Montet Xavier, Nef Serge, Adibekian Alexander, Foti Michelangelo
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))

Neonatal exposure to androgens dynamically alters gut microbiota architecture (2020)

Journal of Endocrinology
Alexia Barroso, Jose Antonio Santos-Marcos, Cecilia Perdices-Lopez, Ana Vega-Rojas, Miguel Angel Sanchez-Garrido, Yelizabeta Krylova, Helena Molina-Abril, Claes Ohlsson, Pablo Perez-Martinez, Matti Poutanen, Jose Lopez-Miranda, Manuel Tena-Sempere, Antonio Camargo
(Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A1))