Docent, Department of Social Research
Research Manager, INVEST Research Flagship Centre
Seasonality of Birth Weight in Singleton Full-term Births in Finland (2024)
Finnish Yearbook of Population Research
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Low and very low birthweight disadvantage in compulsory education achievement and the transition to upper secondary education in the Finnish birth cohorts of 1987 to 1997 (2024)
Child: Care, Health and Development
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Childhood trauma and fear of childbirth: findings from a birth cohort study (2023)
Archives of Women's Mental Health
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Birth weight, maternal education, and NEET status in young adulthood: Evidence using sibling fixed-effects (2023)
(D4 Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti tai -selvitys )Associations between maternal socioeconomic, psychosocial and seasonal factors, infant characteristics and human milk cortisol concentrations (2021)
American Journal of Human Biology
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Parental divorce in childhood does not independently predict maternal depressive symptoms during pregnancy (2020)
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth
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Assessing the basic skills of the highly educated in 21 OECD countries: an international benchmark study of graduates’ proficiency in literacy and numeracy using the PIAAC 2012 data (2018)
Comparative Education
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Education is the strongest socio-economic predictor of smoking in pregnancy (2018)
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Lohkoutuva peruskoulu. Arvio kirjasta ”Lohkoutuva peruskoulu” (2016)
(Kirjoitus tai data-artikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (B1))