Markus Zimmer profile picture
Information Systems Science
Docent, Turku School of Economics
Doctor of Philosophy
Docent in Information Systems Science, specifically Responsible Digital Transformation

Areas of expertise

Digital Transformation
Digital-Sustainable Co-Transformation
Responsible Artificial Intelligence
Institutionalism and Organisational Change
Improvisation Theory
Digital Infrastructures;


Markus P. Zimmer is postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Information Systems at Leuphana University of Lüneburg and adjunct professor (title of Docent) at the Turku School of Economics at the University of Turku in Finland. Markus received his PhD in Information Systems from Turku School of Economics on the topic of "Digital Transformation in an Incumbent Organization: The Co-Enactment of Digital Transformation Through Macro- and Micro-Level Activities" in cooperation with Mercedes-Benz AG. His research interest lies at the intersections of organizational change, responsible management and digital technologies. In particular, he studies Digital Transformation Strategy Making, Digital Workplace Transformation, Digital-Sustainable Co-Transformation, and Responsible Artificial Intelligence. His research has been published in the Journal of Strategic Information Systems, Journal of the Association on Information Systems, Information Systems Frontiers, Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems, and major IS conferences such as the International Conference on Information Systems.


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Responsibility of/in digital transformation (2023)

Journal of Responsible Technology
Zimmer Markus P., Järveläinen Jonna, Stahl Bernd C., Mueller Benjamin
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